الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة ذهبية: جامعة ابن طفيل بالقنيطرة تعلن عن 50 منصب شغل بتخصصات متنوعة! لا تفوتوا الفرصة، آخر موعد للتقديم 25 أكتوبر 2024!

It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code from a webpage, specifically from a WordPress site. This code includes various elements such as links to stylesheets, metadata for social media sharing (Open Graph and Twitter cards),​ and content related to‍ job⁣ postings at ⁢Université Ibn Tofail ⁤in Kénitra, ​Morocco.

If you have specific questions about this HTML code or if you need help with something related to⁤ it (like extracting information, ⁣understanding its structure, or modifying it), please let me know!It looks like you’ve pasted a large block of HTML code, which appears to be part ⁣of a webpage for a job announcement from Ibn Tofail University ​in Kénitra, Morocco. The content includes various meta​ tags, links to stylesheets, and ⁤structured data related to the job posting.

Here are some key points extracted from the HTML:

  1. Job Announcement: The page announces that Ibn Tofail University is recruiting for 50 positions in various specialties. The deadline for applications⁢ is October⁢ 25, 2024.
  1. Meta Information:

– Title: “تعلن جامعة​ ابن طفيل القنيطرة⁢ عن‌ مباراة توظيف⁣ 50 منصب بتخصصات​ مختلفة، آخر أجل هو 25 أكتوبر 2024”
– Description: “L’Université Ibn Tofail Kénitra UIT organise ⁣un concours ⁢pour le recrutement de 50 postes.”
‍ – Author: “jamila”

  1. Open Graph Tags:

– These tags are used for social⁢ media sharing‍ and include information‍ such⁤ as the title, description, URL of the post, and an image associated with it.

  1. Stylesheets: Multiple stylesheets are linked to style the webpage appropriately across different devices and themes (like dark ⁤mode).
  1. JavaScript & Analytics: There ​are references to Google Tag Manager‌ and other scripts that may be used for tracking⁣ user interactions on the site.
  1. Cookies Notification: A message indicating that cookies are being used on ⁢the website along with a link to privacy policies.

If ⁤you need specific information or assistance regarding ‌this content or how‍ it can be utilized ⁣(e.g., creating a summary or extracting certain details), please let⁤ me know!It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code from a webpage, specifically from⁢ a site related​ to job announcements in Morocco. The content includes links to RSS feeds, stylesheets for the page layout, and metadata about the page.

Here’s a brief overview of what this code contains:

  1. RSS Feeds: There are links for alternate formats (RSS) that allow users ⁢to subscribe to updates regarding job postings and comments on the site.
  1. Stylesheets: Multiple CSS files are linked for ⁢styling the webpage, including ⁤those specific to WordPress⁢ themes and plugins like Elementor.
  1. Meta Tags: Various meta tags ⁣provide information about the website’s generator (WordPress version), Google AdSense account details, and favicon images used⁤ by the site.
  1. Content Structure: The body of ‍the document contains structured elements such as divs that organize content into⁣ sections like featured images and main content areas.
  1. Job Announcement: The main focus appears to‍ be an announcement regarding job openings at Ibn Tofail ⁤University in Kenitra, Morocco, with details on application deadlines.

If you need help with something specific related to ⁤this HTML snippet or if you’re looking for information on how it‍ can be utilized or modified, please⁤ let me know!

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