الوظيفة العمومية

اكتشف البرامج الرسمية للاختبارات الكتابية والشفوية لمباراة ولوج سلك تأهيل أطر التدريس 2024: دليلك الشامل للنجاح!

It seems like⁢ you’ve shared a snippet of HTML code that contains links to official programs⁢ for written and ⁤oral tests related ‌to the entrance examination for teacher ‍training in Morocco. The content is​ primarily in Arabic and includes various teaching specializations.

If you need assistance ​with this content, such as summarizing it, translating⁤ it, or extracting specific information, please let me know how I can help!It seems like you’ve shared a list of links related to​ the ⁤official programs for written and oral tests for⁤ the entrance examination to ‌the⁢ training of‌ teachers in Morocco, ⁢specifically for various subjects. Each link leads to a PDF document detailing the curriculum or ​requirements ​for different teaching specializations.

If you need assistance with something specific regarding this content, ‍such as summarizing it, translating it, or providing⁤ more information about any particular ⁤subject area, please let me know!It ⁣looks like you’ve shared a ‌snippet of‍ HTML​ code that includes links to ​official programs for ‍written and oral tests related to the entrance examination for teacher training in Morocco. The links are⁤ categorized by different teaching specialties, such as‌ French, English, computer science, social studies, physical education, Islamic education, ⁤and ⁢technology/engineering.

If you need help with ‌something ⁣specific regarding this content—like summarizing it or extracting certain information—please let me know!

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