الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة عمل رائعة: 07 مناصب شاغرة في تخصصات متنوعة! قدم طلبك قبل 11 شتنبر 2024!

It looks like you’ve ⁤pasted a segment of‍ HTML code ⁢that contains a job advertisement for positions at the “Laboratoire Public d’Essais et d’Etudes” (LPEE) in Casablanca, Morocco. The ad outlines various details such as the required profiles, qualifications, and application instructions.

Here’s a summary of the key points from the advertisement:

Job ⁤Advertisement Summary

Organization: Laboratoire Public d’Essais et d’Etudes (LPEE)

Positions⁤ Available: 7 profiles including:

  • Ingénieur Structure (1 position)
  • Ingénieur Energie (1 position)

Details for Each Position

  • Location: Casablanca
  • Education ⁤Required:

– ⁢For Ingénieur Structure: EHTP/EMI/University or equivalent.
⁣ – For Ingénieur Energie: EHTP/EMI/University or equivalent.

Additional Information

  • Diploma Required: Bac+3/DUT/BTS
  • Specialization: Administration de personnel et Actions Sociales
  • Experience Desired: Minimum of 2 years

Application Instructions

To apply, candidates are invited to submit their applications⁣ on:

Deadline⁢ for Applications: September 11, 2024

If you need ​further assistance with this content or have specific questions about it, ​feel free to ask!It ‌looks like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information about job postings, including details such as the location, school, diploma requirements, specialty, ⁣activity domain, and desired experience. Additionally,‌ there are instructions for applying‍ and sharing‌ the job posting.

If ⁤you need help with something specific regarding this content—such as formatting ​it differently or extracting⁢ certain information—please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information about a job posting, including details such as the location, ⁤school, diploma requirements, specialty, activity domain, and desired experience. Additionally, it includes instructions on how to apply for the position.

Here’s a summary of the key points from your content:

Job Posting Summary

  • Location: Casablanca
  • School: EST/BTS or equivalent
  • Diploma Required: Bac+3 / DUT / BTS
  • Specialty:⁢ Administration de personnel et Actions Sociales (or related fields)
  • Activity Domain: Ressources Humaines (Human Resources)
  • Desired Experience: 2 years preferred

Application Instructions

To apply for this position:

  1. Visit emploi.lpee.ma or⁤ www.lpee.ma.
  2. Submit your application before the deadline of September 11, 2024.

If you need further assistance or‍ specific modifications to ​this content (like formatting or translating), please let me ‌know!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information about a job posting, including details such as the position, ⁣location, required qualifications, and application instructions. Here’s a summary of ‍the key points from the​ content:

Job Posting Summary

  • Position: Technicien Supérieur de Gestion
  • Number of Positions: 1
  • Location: Casablanca
  • Educational‍ Requirements:

‌ – Diploma: Bac+3/DUT/BTS
– Schooling Institution: EST/BTS

  • Specialization: Administration de personnel et Actions Sociales
  • Field of Activity: Ressources Humaines (Human Resources)
  • Desired Experience:

– Minimum experience required is 2 years.

Application Instructions

To apply for this position:

  1. Visit the website emploi.lpee.ma or www.lpee.ma.
  2. Submit your application before the deadline on September 11, 2024.

If you need further ‌assistance or ⁣specific information regarding this job posting or any other inquiries, feel free to ‍ask!The provided text appears to be a job advertisement⁣ formatted in HTML. It includes ​details about a position related to civil engineering, specifically for a​ “Technicien Supérieur de Gestion” role. Below⁢ is a summary of the​ key information extracted from the advertisement:

Job Advertisement Summary

Position: Technicien Supérieur ⁣de Gestion ​
Field of Activity: Civil Engineering ‍

  • Specialties:

– Structure
⁢- Geotechnics

Experience Required:

  • Desired experience of at least 1 year for Structure and Geotechnics.
  • Desired experience of 2 years⁤ for Human Resources.

Profile Requirements:

  • Number of Positions⁣ Available: 1
  • Location: ‍Casablanca
  • Education​ Level Required: Bac+3/DUT/BTS (equivalent to three years after high school)
  • Specialization: Administration de personnel‍ et Actions ⁤Sociales (Personnel Management and Social Actions)

Application Details:

To ​apply, candidates are invited to ⁤submit their applications on the following websites:

Deadline for Application Submission: September 11, 2024

This summary captures the essential details from the job listing while omitting HTML formatting. If you need further assistance⁤ or specific information extracted, feel free to ask!

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