الوظيفة العمومية

فرص عمل مميزة في الوكالة الحضرية للناظور: 3 مناصب شاغرة – قدم طلبك قبل 28 أكتوبر 2024!

It ‍looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code related to a job posting for the “Agence Urbaine de Nador” in Morocco. The content includes details about job openings,⁢ application deadlines, and links for applying. Here’s a summary of the key information:

Job Posting Summary

Organization: Agence Urbaine de Nador (Urban Agency of Nador)

Positions Available: 3 positions in various fields:

  • Architect
  • Specialized Technician in Urbanism and Architecture
  • Specialized Technician in Topography

Application Deadline: October 28, 2024

How to Apply: Interested ‍candidates can apply ​through the following link: https://aunador.ma

Additional Information

The post also contains images related to ‍the job announcement and mentions that it is part​ of public service‍ recruitment efforts in Morocco.

If you need further assistance or⁤ specific information⁣ extracted from this HTML snippet, feel free to ask!It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code from a webpage related to job recruitment at the Agence Urbaine de Nador ⁤in Morocco. The content includes details about job openings, application deadlines, and links‍ for applying.

Here’s a summary of the key information:

Job Openings at Agence ‌Urbaine de Nador

  • Positions Available: 3 positions

– Architect
– Specialized Technician in Urbanism and Architecture
-​ Specialized Technician in‍ Topography

  • Application Deadline: October 28, ‌2024

Additional Information:

If you⁣ need ‌help with something specific regarding ⁢this content or‌ if you’re looking for additional information, feel free to ask!It seems like you’ve pasted ​a large⁤ block of HTML code related to a job posting for the “Agence Urbaine de⁤ Nador” ⁢in Morocco. The content​ includes details about job positions available, application deadlines, and links for applying.

Here’s a summary of the key information from the content:

Job Posting Summary

Organization: ‌Agence Urbaine de Nador (الوكالة الحضرية للناظور)

Positions Available: 3 positions

  • Architect (مهندس معماري)
  • Specialized Technician in Urbanism and Architecture (تقني⁢ متخصص في التعمير والعمارة)
  • Specialized Technician in Topography ‌(تقني متخصص في ⁤الطبوغرافيا)

Application Deadline: October⁤ 28, 2024 ⁢(آخر أجل هو 28 اكتوبر 2024)

Link to Apply: https://aunador.ma

If ⁢you need further ⁢assistance or specific information extracted from this HTML ‌code, ​feel free to ‍ask!مباراة توظيف في الوكالة الحضرية للناظور

تعلن الوكالة الحضرية للناظور عن تنظيم مباراة لتوظيف 3 مناصب في التخصصات التالية:

  1. مهندس معماري
  2. تقني متخصص في التخطيط العمراني والعمارة
  3. تقني ​متخصص ‍في‌ الطبوغرافيا

آخر أجل للتقديم: 28 أكتوبر 2024

للمزيد من المعلومات وللتقديم، يمكن زيارة ‌الموقع الرسمي للوكالة: aunador.ma

إذا كان لديك أي استفسارات أو تحتاج إلى مزيد من التفاصيل، فلا تتردد في طرحها!

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