فرص عمل مميزة: العربية للطيران تعلن عن 16 وظيفة شاغرة – انضم إلى فريقنا في المغرب!

Here are the job listings from Air Arabia Maroc, which is currently recruiting for various positions:
- […] Key Account Executive – Benelux ([link])(…)
- […] Key Account Manager - Tanger ([link])(…)
15.[…] Chief Accountant ([link])(…)
16.[…] B1 – Certifying Engineer – TNG ([link])(…)
17.[…] B2 – Certifying Engineer (NDR & TNG) ([link])(….)
For more information and to apply, please visit the respective links for each position listed above.
About Air Arabia
Air Arabia Maroc is a low-cost airline based in Casablanca and part of the Air Arabia group, which operates over 150 destinations worldwide from its hubs in the Middle East and North Africa.
If you’re interested in any of these positions, make sure to check out their specific requirements and application processes through LinkedIn or their official website!Here are the job listings mentioned in your text:
- Technician Trainee- (TNG-NDR-CMN)
flagship4searchsrpjobs&lipi=urn:li:page:dflagship4searchsrpjobs;2bgCDassQceJe68srUpUvg==”>View Job
- First Officer- A320 (Morocco)
- Chief Pilot
flagship6 search srp jobs ; 2 bg CD ass Q ce Je68 sr Up U vg == “>View Job
- B1 – Certifying Engineer
- Key Account Executive- Benelux
fla g ship8sea rchsr pj o bs;%202b gC D assQc eJe68s rUpUv g====”>View Job
- Key Account Manager- Tanger
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13 . Chief Accountant
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