فرصة عمل مميزة: توظيف 8 تقنيين متخصصين و2 إطارين باك+5! لا تفوتوا الفرصة، آخر أجل 18 شتنبر 2024!

It appears that you have provided a detailed announcement regarding a recruitment competition organized by the Moroccan Office of Industrial and Commercial Property (OMPIC). Below is a summary of the key points from the announcement:
Summary of Recruitment Competition Announcement
Office Marocain de la Propriété Industrielle et Commerciale (OMPIC)
Position Details:
- The competition is for recruiting various profiles, including 8 specialized technicians and 2 positions requiring a Bac+5 qualification.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates must be Moroccan nationals.
- Age requirement: Minimum 18 years and maximum 40 years.
Application Requirements:
Candidates must submit the following documents:
- A motivation letter.
- A detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- A copy of their National Identity Card (CIN).
- A copy of their diploma; an equivalence certificate is required if obtained from a private institution or foreign establishment.
- For candidates with disabilities, a certified copy of the “handicapped card.”
- For candidates who are wards of the nation, a certified copy justifying this status.
Application Process:
Candidates should apply through this link by selecting their desired position, filling in all required fields, and attaching their application dossier. The deadline for applications is September 18, 2024.
Reserved Positions:
- 25% of positions are reserved for former resistance members, wards of the nation, former military personnel, and veterans.
- 7% are reserved for persons with disabilities.
Important Notes:
- Candidates are responsible for ensuring that all information provided is accurate; incomplete or false applications will lead to automatic disqualification.
- Lists of pre-selected candidates will be published on www.emploi-public.ma and www.ompic.ma.
- The date and location for written exams will be communicated later.
This summary captures essential details about eligibility criteria, application requirements, processes involved in applying to OMPIC’s recruitment competition as well as important deadlines and notes regarding candidate responsibilities.It seems that you’ve pasted a block of HTML code related to a job announcement or competition, likely for positions in Morocco. The text outlines the eligibility criteria, required documents for application, and other important details regarding the application process.
Here’s a summary of the key points from your content:
Job Announcement Summary
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be of Moroccan nationality.
- Age must be between 18 and 40 years.
Required Application Documents:
- A motivation letter.
- A detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- A copy of the National Identity Card (CIN).
- A copy of the diploma; equivalence is required if obtained from a private institution or foreign establishment.
- Certified copy of the “handicapped card” (if applicable).
- Certified copy justifying status as “pupil of the nation” (if applicable).
Application Process:
Candidates must apply through this link by selecting their desired position and submitting all required documents by September 18, 2024.
Reserved Positions:
- 25% reserved for former resistance fighters, pupils of the nation, former military personnel, and veterans.
- 7% reserved for persons with disabilities.
Important Notes:
- Candidates are responsible for ensuring that all information provided is accurate; incomplete applications will be automatically rejected.
- Lists of pre-selected candidates will be published on www.emploi-public.ma and www.ompic.ma.
Additional Information:
The date and location for written exams will be communicated later.
If you need further assistance or specific information extracted from this text, feel free to ask!It seems you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information about a job competition, including eligibility criteria, required documents for application, and important dates. Here’s a summary of the key points from the text:
Job Competition Summary
Positions Available:
- Ingénieur d’Etat ou Master (Bac+5) ou équivalent
– Specialization: Réseaux, systèmes et sécurité informatiques
- Number of positions: 1
- Haute maîtrise
– Specializations:
– Gestion des entreprises (6 positions)
– Techniques des secrétariat de direction (2 positions)
– Required Qualification: Diplôme de Technicien Spécialisé (Bac+2) ou diplôme équivalent
Eligibility Criteria:
- Must be Moroccan nationals.
- Age between 18 and 40 years.
Application Requirements:
Candidates must submit the following documents:
- A motivation letter.
- A detailed CV.
- A copy of their national ID card (CIN).
- A copy of their diploma; equivalence is required if obtained from a private institution or foreign establishment.
- For disabled candidates: certified copy of the “handicap card.”
- For war veterans or similar status: certified copy justifying this status.
Application Process:
Candidates should apply through this link by selecting the desired position and submitting all required documents by September 18, 2024.
Reserved Positions:
25% of posts are reserved for former resistance fighters, nation pupils, former military personnel, and veterans; additionally, 7% are reserved for persons with disabilities.
Important Notes:
- Candidates are responsible for ensuring that all provided information is accurate and complete; incomplete applications will be rejected.
- Lists of pre-selected candidates will be published on www.emploi-public.ma and www.ompic.ma.
Additional Information
The date and location for written exams will be announced later.
If you need further assistance or specific details extracted from this text or any other help related to it, feel free to ask!