فرصة عمل مميزة: توظيف 02 منصب في صندوق التضامن ضد الكوارث – قدم طلبك قبل 29 شتنبر 2024!

It seems like you’ve pasted a large block of HTML code related to a job recruitment announcement for the “Fonds de Solidarité contre les Evénements Catastrophiques” (FSEC) in Morocco. The announcement is about the recruitment of two positions: one for a “Cadre Achat et Support” and another for an “Agent Administratif.” The deadline to apply is September 29, 2024.
If you need help with specific information or have questions regarding this content, please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code related to a job announcement for positions at the Fonds de Solidarité contre les Evénements Catastrophiques (FSEC) in Morocco. The announcement includes details about the recruitment of two positions: one for ”Cadre Achat et Support” and another for “Agent Administratif.” The deadline to apply is September 29, 2024.
If you need help with something specific regarding this content, such as summarizing it, translating it, or extracting certain information, please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a large block of HTML code related to a job posting for the “Fonds de Solidarité contre les Evénements Catastrophiques” (FSEC) in Morocco. The key details from this job announcement are as follows:
Job Announcement Summary
- Organization: Fonds de Solidarité contre les Evénements Catastrophiques (FSEC)
- Positions Available: 2
– 1 Cadre Achat et Support
– 1 Agent Administratif
- Application Deadline: September 29, 2024
Additional Information:
The announcement includes links to more information about the positions and the application process. It also features images related to the job posting.
If you need specific information or assistance regarding this content, please let me know!It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code from a webpage, likely related to a job posting for positions at the Fonds de Solidarité contre les Événements Catastrophiques in Morocco. The content includes details about the job positions available, application deadlines, and some images.
Here’s a brief summary of the key information extracted from your HTML:
Job Posting Summary
Organization: Fonds de Solidarité contre les Événements Catastrophiques (FSEC)
Positions Available:
- Cadre Achat et Support (1 position)
- Agent Administratif (1 position)
Application Deadline: September 29, 2024
Additional Information
- The page includes various stylesheets and scripts for layout and functionality.
- There are images related to the job posting.
- It mentions that cookies are used on the website.
If you need help with something specific regarding this content or if you have any questions about it, feel free to ask!