الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة عمل ذهبية: قائمة المدعوين لمباراة توظيف 84 منصب في عمالة الدار البيضاء!

It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code from⁢ a webpage, specifically the head and body sections. This code includes ​various links ‍to ⁣stylesheets, meta tags ‌for SEO and social media‌ sharing, as well as‍ some JavaScript snippets related to Google services.

Here’s a brief breakdown of what this code contains:

  1. Stylesheets: The tags ‍reference CSS files that‌ style the webpage. These include styles ‌for the‌ theme ⁤(JNews), dark mode,⁣ RTL (right-to-left) support, and plugins for social‌ login ⁤and sharing.
  1. Meta⁣ Tags: There are several ‍ tags that provide information about the page:

generator: Indicates which software was ⁣used to create the‍ site (WordPress and Elementor).
robots: ​Directives for search engines on how to index the page.
– ⁣Open Graph (og:) tags: Used by social media platforms to‍ display rich previews when links⁣ are shared.
– Twitter card metadata: Similar purpose as Open Graph but specifically for Twitter.

  1. Favicon Links: ‌The⁣ elements‍ specify icons used in browser tabs or bookmarks.
  1. Google Services Integration: There are snippets related to Google Tag ‌Manager and Google Analytics which help track user interactions on⁢ the site.
  1. Cookie ‍Consent Notice: A message informing users about cookie⁣ usage ​with an option to‌ agree.
  1. Body Content Structure: The body contains elements like mobile navigation wrappers and ⁤search functionality components⁤ but is‍ incomplete⁣ in⁢ your snippet.

If you have specific questions about any‌ part of this HTML or need assistance with something else ​related to it, feel free to ask!It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code, which includes various links to​ stylesheets, meta⁤ tags for SEO and social media sharing,‌ and some JavaScript snippets related to Google ⁤services. This code appears ‍to be part ‌of the head section‍ of a⁤ WordPress⁤ website using the JNews theme.

Here’s a brief overview of what each section does:

  1. Stylesheets: The ​ ‍ tags reference CSS files that style the website. These include styles for⁣ the‍ main theme (jnews-style-css), ⁢dark mode (jnews-darkmode-css), RTL support (jnews-rtl-css), and plugins like social login and share.
  1. Meta Tags:

-​ og: tags are Open ‍Graph protocol tags‍ used by Facebook and other platforms to display rich previews when links are shared.
twitter: tags provide ⁤similar functionality for Twitter.
– Other meta tags include information about the author, publication time, and content type.

  1. Google Services: There are snippets related to Google Tag Manager (for tracking) and⁤ Google⁢ Analytics (for analyzing traffic).
  1. Favicon Links: These​ specify icons that represent your site in browser⁤ tabs or bookmarks.
  1. RSS Feeds: The entries provide URLs for RSS feeds associated with your site content.
  1. JavaScript Snippets: Comments indicate where JavaScript snippets from Site Kit by Google have been added for analytics tracking purposes.

If you need help ‌with something specific regarding this HTML snippet or⁤ if you have questions about how it works or how to modify it, feel free⁣ to ask!It looks‍ like you’ve pasted a snippet of⁤ HTML code, which appears to be part of a webpage ‌related to job recruitment ⁤in Morocco​ (specifically from the website “dimajadid.com”). This code includes various meta tags, links‍ to stylesheets, ⁢and scripts for Google services such as Analytics ⁢and AdSense.

If you have specific questions about ⁣this HTML snippet or⁣ if you need ‍help with something ⁣related to it (like understanding certain parts,‌ modifying it, or troubleshooting), please‌ let me know!

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