الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة ذهبية: مباريات توظيف 10 أساتذة محاضرين – قدم طلبك قبل 1 و2 نونبر 2024!

It seems ‌like you’ve pasted a⁤ block of HTML code ⁤that ⁣contains information about job openings for teaching⁣ positions at the University of Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah in Fes, Morocco. The document includes details such as:

  • Positions Available:

– ‌01 position in “Electronique⁤ et⁤ Systèmes Embarqués”
– 01 position in “Informatique et Intelligence Artificielle”
‌ – 01 position in “Génie Mécanique”
– 02 positions in “الإنجليزية” (English)
‌ – 01 position in “معلوميات” (Computer Science)

  • Application Deadline: November 2, 2024
  • Institutions Involved:

– ⁢École Nationale des Sciences Appliquées (ENSA) – Fès
– كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية ⁢والاجتماعية بفاس (Faculty of Legal,‍ Economic and Social Sciences – Fès)

  • Application Link: Candidates are directed to apply through an​ online portal.

If you ⁢need help with a specific aspect ⁤of this content or if you have any questions regarding it, feel free to ask!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information about job openings for teaching positions in⁣ various fields at different institutions ⁣in Morocco. The content includes details such as the number of positions available,‌ the specific fields of study, and ⁤links to further information.

If you need help with something specific regarding ‍this content—like summarizing it, ⁤translating it, or extracting certain details—please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information about ⁤job openings for teaching positions at various institutions in Morocco, specifically in Fes. The document includes details such​ as the number of positions‌ available, the fields of study (like Electronics and Embedded⁣ Systems, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, Mechanical Engineering, English Language, and Information ​Technology), as well as links for application.

Here’s a summary of the key points from your content:

Job Openings Summary

  1. Positions Available:

​ ⁤- Electronics and Embedded Systems: 01 position
⁢ – Computer Science‍ and Artificial Intelligence: 01 position
-⁢ Mechanical Engineering: 01⁢ position
English Language: 02 positions
Information Technology: 01 position

  1. Institutions Hiring:

​ – National School of Applied Sciences (مدرسة الوطنية ⁢للعلوم التطبيقية)‍ in Fes.
– Faculty⁤ of Legal,⁢ Economic and Social Sciences (كلية العلوم القانونية والاقتصادية والاجتماعية) in Fes.

  1. Application Process:

Candidates are encouraged to ⁣apply through an ‌online link provided:

Application​ Link

  1. Additional Information & Resources:

⁤ There is a link to further details regarding the job postings ⁢which can be accessed by clicking on ‌”اضغط هنا” (Click Here).

  1. Social Sharing Prompt:

The document encourages readers to share‌ this announcement on​ social ​media platforms.

If you need any specific information or⁤ assistance related ‌to this content or if you want ‍it formatted differently or translated ‍into another language, please let me know!It looks like you’ve‍ shared a snippet of ⁣HTML code that contains information about job openings for teaching positions⁤ in various fields at Moroccan universities. The content includes details such as the number ⁢of positions available, the specific areas of study, and‌ links to application forms.

Here’s a summary of‍ the key points from your content:

Job ​Openings ⁢Summary

  1. Positions Available:

– Various teaching positions across different universities in Morocco.
⁢- Specific fields include:
– Artificial Intelligence⁢ and Data Analysis
– General Law: Political Science and International ​Relations
– French Studies: ⁣Literature
‌ – Electronics and Embedded Systems
⁤ – Computer Science⁤ and Artificial Intelligence
– Mechanical⁣ Engineering
-‌ English Language
– Information ⁤Technology

  1. Application Deadline:

‌ – All applications⁣ must be‌ submitted before November 1, 2024.

  1. Application Process:

‍ – Candidates can apply through an online portal provided in the announcement.
– ⁤Links to detailed job descriptions are included for each⁢ position.

  1. Universities Involved:

– Institute of ⁤Sports Sciences – ​Fes
-⁣ Faculty⁤ of Sciences and Techniques – Fes
– Multidisciplinary Faculty – Taza
⁣ ‌-‍ National School of Applied Sciences – ​Fes
– Faculty of​ Legal, Economic, and Social Sciences – Fes

  1. Call to Action:

There​ is encouragement for readers‍ to share this announcement on social media platforms.

If you need further assistance or specific information extracted from this text, feel free to ask!

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