الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة ذهبية: قدم الآن للحصول على إجازة ميكانيكي صيانة الطائرات لحاملي دبلوم تقني متخصص! آخر موعد للتقديم 10 شتنبر 2024

It seems like you’ve ​provided a ‌detailed⁤ announcement regarding a⁢ selection process for candidates applying to a training program in aircraft ⁢maintenance at the Institut Spécialisé dans les ⁣Métiers de l’Aéronautique et de la ⁢Logistique ⁤Aéroportuaire (ISMALA). Here’s a summary of the key points from your text:

Key Information about the Selection Process

  1. Pre-selection Announcement:

– The ⁣list of pre-selected candidates will be⁤ communicated on Wednesday, September 18, ⁤2024, via SMS and posted at ISMALA 1.

  1. Written Exam:

-⁣ Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024, starting at 7:30 AM (candidates should be ‍prepared for the entire day).
– Subjects and Duration:
​ ⁤ – French: 45 minutes
– English: 45 minutes
⁢ ⁤ ‌ – Mathematics: 1 hour
‌ – Physics: 1 hour
‌ – Technology – Construction: 1⁣ hour

  1. Results ⁣Announcement:

– The‍ list of candidates who passed the written exam will be communicated ⁣via SMS on Monday, ⁣September 30, 2024.

  1. Interviews:

– Scheduled from Wednesday, October 2 ⁢to Wednesday, October‍ 9, 2024, conducted in French.

  1. Final Results:

⁢ – The final list of‍ admitted candidates will be announced on Friday, October 3,⁢ 2024, via SMS.

  1. Medical Certificate Requirement:

⁣ – Candidates selected must present a medical fitness certificate.

  1. Location of the Competition:

⁣ – ISMALA (Institut Spécialisé⁣ dans les ‌Métiers de l’Aéronautique et de ‌la Logistique Aéroportuaire), located at Aéropole Mohamed V, Nouaceur, Casablanca.

Eligibility Criteria for Candidates

  • This competition is open to graduates from OFPPT or ‌other public institutions ‌with specialized ‍technician diplomas ‍in various fields related to mechanical maintenance and engineering.

If you ⁢need further assistance or specific details extracted or reformatted from⁢ this information—such as creating an official document ​or flyer—please ‌let me know!It seems that you’ve ​pasted a large block of HTML content related to an examination process, including details about the pre-selection, written exam, interviews, and application requirements for candidates. Here’s a summary of the key points from your content:

Key ‌Information on the Examination ‍Process

1. Pre-selection:

  • The list​ of pre-selected candidates will be‌ communicated⁣ on Wednesday, September 18, 2024, via SMS and posted at ISMALA 1.

2. Written Exam:

  • Date: Wednesday, September 25, 2024, starting at 7:30 AM (candidates should plan for the entire day).
  • Subjects and Duration:

⁢ – French: ⁣ 45 minutes
⁣ – English: 45 minutes
⁤ – Mathematics: 1 hour
-‍ Physics:⁢ 1 hour
​- Technology – Construction: 1 hour

  • The list ⁣of candidates who pass ⁣the written exam will ‍be communicated by SMS on Monday,‌ September 30, 2024.

3. Interviews Before a ‍Jury:

  • Scheduled in French from Wednesday, October 2​ to Wednesday, October 9, 2024.
  • The final list of admitted candidates will be announced via ⁤SMS on⁣ Friday, October 3, 2024.

Additional Requirements:

  • Candidates must ​present a medical fitness certificate if selected.


The competition will take place at:
Institut Spécialisé ​dans les Métiers de‌ l’Aéronautique et​ de la Logistique Aéroportuaire (ISMALA) Aéropole ⁣Mohamed V, Casablanca.

Application Details:

Candidates must apply directly at ISMALA or online through www.myway.ac.ma before the deadline of
Tuesday, September 10, 2024.

Required Documents for Application:

  1. Certified copy of​ National ID (CIN).
  2. Certified copy of‍ Baccalauréat diploma.
  3. Certified copy of Baccalauréat transcript.
  4. Certified copy‌ or proof certificate for TS/BTS/DUT.
  5. Certified copy of final training report.
  6. Two recent ⁢passport-sized photos.

Age Requirement:

Candidates must‌ be aged 27 years ⁤or younger as ​of the ‍date of the competition.

This summary captures⁣ all essential information regarding eligibility criteria and important dates related ⁣to this examination process while omitting repetitive elements from your original text ‌for clarity’s sake! If‍ you need further assistance or specific‍ details extracted from ‍this content let me know!Il semble que⁢ vous ayez partagé des informations concernant le déroulement d’un concours organisé par l’OFPPT ⁢(Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de ⁤la Promotion du Travail) au Maroc.⁣ Voici ​un résumé des points clés‍ :

Informations Générales

  • Ajustement du niveau de formation : Les lauréats doivent‍ ajuster leur niveau dans leur compte candidat avant la préinscription.

Déroulement du Concours

Le concours se⁢ déroule en trois phases :

  1. Présélection sur ⁣dossier
  2. Examen écrit
  3. Entretien devant un jury

Détails des Phases


  • La liste des candidats ​présélectionnés sera communiquée ‌le mercredi 18⁢ septembre 2024 par SMS et​ affichage à l’ISMALA 1.

Examen Écrit

  • Date : Mercredi⁣ 25 septembre 2024, à partir de 7h30.
  • Durée totale : Prévoir toute ‌la journée.

| Matière ⁢ ⁣ | Durée |
| Français ‍ ⁣ ‌ | 45 min |
| Anglais ‌⁢ | 45 min ​ |
| Mathématiques ⁤ ​ | 1 heure |
| Physique​ ‍ ‌ | 1 heure |
| ⁢Techno -‍ Construction | 1 heure |

  • La liste des candidats admis à l’écrit sera​ communiquée par SMS le lundi 30 septembre 2024.

Entretiens devant un Jury

  • Dates : Du mercredi 02 au mercredi 09 octobre‍ 2024.
  • La liste finale des admis sera communiquée le vendredi,03 octobre,2024, ⁤par SMS.

Les candidats retenus doivent présenter un⁤ certificat d’aptitude ⁣médicale.

Lieu du Concours

Institut Spécialisé dans‌ les Métiers ⁤de l’Aéronautique et‌ de la Logistique Aéroportuaire (ISMALA), Aéropole Mohamed V, Nouaceur, Casablanca.

Si vous avez besoin d’informations supplémentaires ou si vous souhaitez poser une question spécifique‌ sur ce sujet, n’hésitez pas à demander !

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