الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة ذهبية: قائمة المدعوين لمباراة توظيف 361 منصب بالمركز الاستشفائي الجامعي سوس ماسة يوم 22 شتنبر 2024!

The⁤ content you provided appears to be an article ‍about a ‌recruitment competition ​for 361 positions at the Centre Hospitalier ‍Universitaire (CHU) Souss Massa in Morocco. Here’s a summary of the‍ key points:

Summary of the Article

  • Event: Recruitment competition organized⁢ by CHU Souss Massa.
  • Date of Competition: September 22, 2024.
  • Positions⁤ Available:

– 9 Doctors and Pharmacists (1st ‍Grade)
– 18 Midwives (1st Grade)
‌- 244 Nurses (1st Grade)
– 60 Technicians (1st Grade)
-​ 4 Social Assistants (1st Grade)
‍ – 26 Physiotherapists (1st Grade)

Additional ​Information

  • A link is provided to ⁤access the list of candidates invited to participate in ‌the ⁣written exam.
  • The article includes images related to the recruitment announcement.

This information is ⁤relevant for individuals interested in applying for these positions or seeking ⁢more ⁢details about employment​ opportunities ⁣at CHU Souss Massa.The content you provided⁤ appears to be‍ an HTML snippet from a⁤ webpage announcing ‍a recruitment competition for the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Souss Massa ‍in Morocco. Here’s a summary of the key information:

Summary of the Recruitment Announcement

  • Organization: Centre​ Hospitalier Universitaire ‌(CHU) Souss ⁢Massa
  • Location: Morocco
  • Positions Available: 361 positions across various⁤ roles, including:

– ​9 Doctors and Pharmacists ⁤(1st⁤ Grade)
-‌ 18 Midwives (1st Grade)
– ⁢244 Nurses ⁢(1st Grade)
‌ – 60 Technicians (1st ‍Grade)
– 4 Social Assistants (1st Grade)
– 26 Physiotherapists (1st Grade)

  • Date of⁢ Competition: September 22, 2024

Additional Information

  • A link is provided ⁤to ​access the ⁤list of candidates invited to participate ‍in⁢ the‌ written exam.
  • The ‌announcement ⁣includes images related to the recruitment process.

This information is crucial for potential applicants looking to apply⁢ for these positions at CHU Souss Massa. If you need further details or specific aspects⁣ highlighted,⁢ feel free to⁤ ask!It seems like you’ve pasted a‌ large block ⁣of HTML ‌code related to a job ⁤recruitment announcement for⁣ the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Souss Massa in Morocco. The announcement details the recruitment ⁤of 361 positions across various⁤ roles,‍ including ⁣doctors, nurses, and technicians, with the competition scheduled for September 22, 2024.

If you ⁢need help extracting specific information or summarizing this content, please let me‌ know!It seems like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code from a webpage related to a​ recruitment⁣ competition for the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Souss ‌Massa in Morocco. The content outlines details about the competition,⁤ including the number of positions available and their distribution across various roles.

Here’s a summary of the key information:

Competition Details:

  • Organizing Body: Centre ⁤Hospitalier Universitaire (CHU) Souss Massa
  • Total Positions Available: 361

⁣ – Positions Breakdown:
– 9 ‍Doctors and Pharmacists ‍(1st Grade)
‍ – 18 Midwives ⁢(1st Grade)
– ‌244 Nurses (1st Grade)
– 60 Technicians (1st Grade)
⁤ ⁤‌ – 4⁣ Social Assistants ‍(1st Grade)
– 26 Physiotherapists (1st Grade)

Important Date:

  • Date of Competition: September 22, 2024

Additional Information:

  • A link is provided ⁣to‍ access the list of ⁣candidates invited to participate in the written ⁤exam.

If‌ you need‍ further assistance or ⁤specific information extracted⁤ from ⁣this content, feel ⁤free to ask!

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