فرصة ذهبية: جامعة محمد السادس متعددة التخصصات UM6P تعلن عن 141 وظيفة شاغرة في مجالات متنوعة!

It looks like you’ve shared a list of job openings at Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P) in various fields and locations, primarily in Benguerir, Rabat, and Casablanca. Here’s a summary of the positions mentioned:
Job Openings at Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P)
- Data Management Lead | Benguerir
- Artificial Intelligence Lead | Benguerir
- Head of Security and Compliance | Benguerir
- Digital for Education Lead | Benguerir
- Business Architecture Lead | Benguerir
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist | Benguerir
- Contrôleur interne confirmé | Benguerir
- Computer Vision Engineer | Rabat
- ML Engineer | Rabat
- Data Scientist|Rabat
11.. Assistante administrative|Rabat
12.. Office Manager|Casablanca
Additional Positions
13.. Support Manager| Bengu er ir
14.. Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation Program Lead|[ Bengu er ir] ( http s: // w ww.r ekru te.c om/o ff r e-e mp lo y-e ntre prene ursh ip-an d-di gital-tra nsformati on-prog ram-l ea d-r ec ru item ent-u m0—-univ ersit é-moha mm ed-v ipol yt echni que bengu er ir—-16191.h tm l )
15.. Technician in Polymer Composites (CDD de 12 mois)|[ Bengu er ir] ( http s: // w ww.r ekru te.c om/o ff r e-e mp lo y-p osition-title-technician-in-po lymer-co mp osites-cdd-de12mois-r ec ru item ent-u m0—-univ ersit é-moha mm ed-v ipol yt echni que bengu er ir—-16189.h tm l )
16.. Junior Policy Analyst1|[ Bengu er ir] ( http s: // w ww.r ekru te.c om/o ff r e-e mp lo y-j unior-policy-an alyst1-r ec ru item ent-u m0—-univ ersit é-moha mm ed-v ipol yt echni que bengu er ir—-16188.h tm l )
17.. Research Assistant/ Research Engineer in Mineral Processing – Hydrometallurgy & Pyrometallurgy|[ Bengu er ir] ( http s: // w ww.r ekru te.c om/o ff r e-e mp lo y-res ear ch-assistant-res ear ch-engineer-in-mineral-processing-hydrometallurgy-pyrometallurgy-r ec ru item ent-u m0—–uni versit é-moha mm ed-v ipol yt echni que bengu eri r—–16187.h tm l )
For more details about each position, you can follow the links provided.
If you need further assistance or specific information about any role or application process, feel free to ask!Here are the job listings from the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and other locations:
Job Listings
- Data Management Lead | Benguerir
- Artificial Intelligence Lead | Benguerir
- Head of Security and Compliance | Benguerir
- Digital for Education Lead | Benguerir
- Business Architecture Lead | Benguerir
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist | Benguerir
- Contrôleur interne confirmé | Benguerir
- Computer Vision Engineer | Rabat
- ML Engineer | Rabat
- Data Scientist | Rabat
- Assistante administrative | Rabat
- [Office Manager | Casablanca ]( https :// www . re kr ute . com / offre – emploi / office-manager — recrutement – um 6 p — universi te mohammed vi polyte chniqu e casablanca —-1…
13.[Support Manager|Benguir] (link not provided)
14.[Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation Program Lead|Benguier] (link not provided)
15.[Technician in Polymer Composites (CDD de12 mois)|Benguier] (link not provided)
16.[Junior Policy Analyst1|Benguier] (link not provided)
17.[Research assistant/ Research Engineer in mineral processing – Hydrometallurgy & Pyrometallurgy|Benguier] (link not provided)
Additional Job Listings
18.Program Assistant|Benguier
19.Infirmier Bloc Opératoire(H/F)|Benguier
20.Infirmier Réanimation & Anesthésie|Benguier
21.Infirmier Polyvalent(H/F)|Benguier
22.Infirmier Auxiliaire(H/F)|Benguier
23.Infirm ier Référent(H/F) – Expérience de10 ans minimum(Begu er)(lin knot availabl e).
24.Process Engineer(Metallurgy&Phosphate Processing Industries)(Jorf Lasfar)(lin knot availabl e).
25.Interface and Logistics Analyst(Begu er)(lin knot availabl e).
26.Student Engagement Officer(Begu er)(lin knot availabl e).
27.Graphic Designer(Begu er)(lin knot availabl e).
28.Software developers(Begue r )( lin kn ot av ailab le ).
29.Program Coordinator1(Begue r )( lin kn ot av ailab le ).
30.Research Assistant(Begue r )( lin kn ot av ailab le ).
31.Social Community Manager(Begue r )( lin kn ot av ailab le ).
32.Research Engineer–School of Computer Science(Beg ue r )( lin kn ot av ail ab le ).
33.Research Assistant in Agricultural Data Collection (Beg ue ri r).
For more details, you can visit the respective links to view job descriptions, requirements, and application procedures.Here are the job listings from the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and Rabat:
Job Listings
- Data Management Lead | Benguerir
- Artificial Intelligence Lead | Benguerir
- Head of Security and Compliance | Benguerir
- Digital for Education Lead | Benguerir
- Business Architecture Lead | Benguerir
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist | Benguerir
- Contrôleur interne confirmé | Benguerir
- Computer Vision Engineer | Rabat
- ML Engineer | Rabat
- Data Scientist | Rabat
… (and so on for other positions).
For a complete list, please visit the respective links provided above or check their official recruitment page for more details on each position, including application procedures and deadlines.Here are some job opportunities at the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and Rabat:
- Data Management Lead | Benguerir
- Artificial Intelligence Lead | Benguerir
- Head of Security and Compliance | Benguerir
- Digital for Education Lead | Benguerir
- Business Architecture Lead | Benguerir
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist | Benguerir
- Contrôleur interne confirmé | Benguerir
- Computer Vision Engineer | Rabat
- ML Engineer | Rabat
- Data Scientist | Rabat
For more positions, you can visit the recruitment page of UM6P on Rekrute or check their official website for updates on job openings!Here are some job opportunities at the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and Rabat:
- Data Management Lead | Benguerir
- Artificial Intelligence Lead | Benguerir
- Head of Security and Compliance | Benguerir
- Digital for Education Lead | Benguerir
- Business Architecture Lead | Benguerir
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist | Benguerir
- Contrôleur interne confirmé | Benguerir
For more positions, you can explore the following links:
You can find additional job listings by visiting the official recruitment page of UM6P or checking out their profiles on job portals like Rekrute.
If you need further assistance or specific information about any position, feel free to ask!Here are some job opportunities at the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and Rabat:
Job Opportunities in Benguerir:
- Data Management Lead
- Artificial Intelligence Lead
- Head of Security and Compliance
- Digital for Education Lead
- Business Architecture Lead
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist
Additional Positions:
- Contrôleur interne confirmé
- Support Manager
- Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation Program Lead
Job Opportunities in Rabat:
4.Assistante administrative | Rabat
For more details on each position, please follow the links provided!Here are some job opportunities at the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and Rabat:
Job Opportunities in Benguerir:
- Data Management Lead
- Artificial Intelligence Lead
- Head of Security and Compliance
- Digital for Education Lead
- Business Architecture Lead
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist
- Contrôleur interne confirmé
Job Opportunities in Rabat:
For more details on each position, please follow the links provided!Here are the job listings from the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and Rabat:
Job Listings in Benguerir:
- Data Management Lead
- Artificial Intelligence Lead
- Head of Security and Compliance
- Digital for Education Lead
- Business Architecture Lead
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist
- Contrôleur interne confirmé
- Support Manager
Job Listings in Rabat:
Additional Positions:
1.Office Manager | Casablanca
For more details on each position, please follow the links provided above!Here are the job listings from the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique in Benguerir and Rabat:
Job Listings
- Data Management Lead | Benguerir
- Artificial Intelligence Lead | Benguerir
- Head of Security and Compliance | Benguerir
- Digital for Education Lead | Benguerir
- Business Architecture Lead | Benguerir
- Scientific Computing Engineer – CFD Specialist | Benguerir
- Contrôleur interne confirmé | Benguerir
- Computer Vision Engineer | Rabat
- ML Engineer | Rabat
- Data Scientist | Rabat
- Assistante administrative| Rabat
12.Office Manager| Casablanca
13.[Support Manager|Benguir] ( https :// www . re kr ute com / offre emploi support-manager recrutement um six p — université mohammed vi polytechnqiue benguir )
14.[Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation Program Lead|Benguier] ( https :// www , re kr ute ,com /offres/entrepreneurship-and-digital-transformation-program-lead/)
15.[Technician in Polymer Composites (CDD de12 mois)|Benguier] ( http s: // w ww r ek ru te c om/o ffre e mp loi t ech ni ci an-in-po ly mer-co mp os ites-cdd-de12mois/)
16.[Junior Policy Analyst1|Benguier] ( http s: // w ww r ek ru te c om/o ffre e mp loi t unior-policy-analy st1/)
17.[Research assistant/ Research Engineer in mineral processing – Hydrometallurgy & Pyrometallurgy|Benguier] ( http s: // w ww r ek ru te c om/o ffre e mp loi t research-assistant-resarch-engineer-in-mineral-processing-hydrometallurgy-pyrometallurgy)
Additional Positions
18.Business Intelligence & Regulatory Analyst|Benguier
19.Mechatronics and Digitalization Program Lead|Benguier
20.Digital for Operations Lead|Benguier
21.Digital for Research Lead|Begu ier
22.Digital Experience Platform Le ad|(h ttps:/ /ww w rek rutec o mof fr ee em ploi di git al-experience-platform-l ea d )
23.Head of Customer Success & Digital Mindset|(h ttps:/ /ww w rek rutec o mof fr ee em ploi head-of-customer-success-di git al-mi ndset )
24.Customer Success Le ad|(h ttps:/ /ww w rek rutec o mof fr ee em ploi customer-success-l ea d )
25.Digital Mindset Advocacy Le ad|(h ttps:/ /ww w rek rutec o mof fr ee em ploi digital-mi ndset-a dvocacy-l ea d )
26.Digital Adoption Acceleration Le ad|(h ttps:/ /ww w rek rutec o mof fr ee em ploi digital-adoption-acce leration-l ea d )
27.Head of AI, Data & Analytics|(h ttps:/ /ww w rek rutec o mof fr ee em ploi head-of-ai-data-an alytics )
For more details on each position, please follow the respective links provided above!It looks like you’ve shared a list of job openings at the Université Mohammed VI Polytechnique (UM6P) in Benguerir and Rabat, Morocco. Here’s a summary of the positions mentioned:
Job Openings at UM6P
- Digital Experience Platform Lead
- Head of Customer Success & Digital Mindset
- Customer Success Lead
- Digital Mindset Advocacy Lead
- Digital Adoption Acceleration Lead
- Head of AI, Data & Analytics
- Data Management Lead
- Artificial Intelligence Lead
- Head of Security and Compliance
3.Data Scientist
4.Assistante administrative
5.Office Manager
Additional Positions in Benguerir:
1.Support Manager
2.[Entrepreneurship and Digital Transformation Program Lead] (link not provided)
3.Technician in Polymer Composites (CDD de 12 mois)
4.[Junior Policy Analyst] (link not provided)
5.[Research Assistant/ Research Engineer in Mineral Processing – Hydrometallurgy & Pyrometallurgy] (link not provided)
If you need more information about any specific position or assistance with applications, feel free to ask!