فرصة ذهبية: توظيف 49 مكوناً ومسؤولاً في المعلوميات والشبكات! قدم طلبك قبل 19 أكتوبر 2024!

يبدو أن النص الذي قدمته يحتوي على معلومات حول إعلانات توظيف في المغرب، بما في ذلك تفاصيل عن المناصب المتاحة، عددها، وروابط لتحميل الإعلانات. إليك ملخص للمعلومات الرئيسية:
إعلانات مباريات توظيف
- المؤسسة: مكتب التكوين المهني وإنعاش الشغل
- آخر أجل للترشيح: 19 أكتوبر 2024
المناصب المتاحة:
- Formateur Opérateur Terminal Portuaire (RH 752/2024)
– عدد المناصب: 01
– ResponsableinformatiqueetrseauxMarrakech.pdf”>تحميل الإعلان
- Responsable informatique et réseaux – Guelmim (RH 754/2024)
– عدد المناصب: 01
– تحميل الإعلان
كيفية المشاركة:
يمكنك مشاركة هذا الإعلان عبر وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي أو من خلال الروابط المقدمة.
إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مزيد من المعلومات أو تفاصيل إضافية حول أي من هذه الوظائف، فلا تتردد في طرح سؤالك!It seems like you’ve pasted a section of HTML code that contains job listings in Arabic, specifically for positions related to training and IT management in Morocco. The listings include links to application forms, the number of positions available, and deadlines for applications.
If you need help with something specific regarding this content—such as summarizing the information, translating it into another language, or extracting certain details—please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a portion of HTML code related to job postings in Morocco, specifically for positions such as “Formateur Opérateur Terminal Portuaire” and “Responsable informatique et réseaux.” The text includes links to application forms, the number of available positions, and deadlines for applications.
If you need help with something specific regarding this content—like summarizing the information, translating it, or extracting certain details—please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code that contains job listings in Arabic and French, along with links to PDF documents for each position. The listings include various roles such as “Formateur Opérateur Terminal Portuaire” and “Responsable informatique et réseaux,” among others, with details about the number of positions available and application deadlines.
If you need help with something specific regarding this content—like summarizing the information, translating it, or extracting certain details—please let me know!It seems like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code that contains job listings in Arabic and French, along with links to application forms. The listings include positions such as “Formateur en Soft Skills,” “Responsable informatique et réseaux,” and others, along with their respective details.
If you need help summarizing the information or extracting specific details from this content, please let me know!It seems that you’ve pasted a block of HTML code related to job postings in Arabic and French. The content includes details about various job positions, including titles, locations, and application links. Here’s a summary of the key information:
Job Postings Summary
- Formateur en Soft Skills
– Location: Dakhla
– Reference: RH 750/2024
– Positions Available: 02
– FormateurManutentionnairedesEnginsPortuaires.pdf”>Job Description PDF
- Formateur Opérateur Terminal Portuaire
– Location: Not specified
– Reference: RH 752/2024
– Positions Available: 01
– ResponsableinformatiqueetrseauxMarrakech.pdf”>Job Description PDF
- Responsable informatique et réseaux
Location: Guelmim
Reference: RH 754/2024
Positions Available: 01
Job Description PDF
Application Deadline:
- All applications must be submitted by October 19, 2024.
If you need further assistance or specific details from this content, feel free to ask!