
اكتشف 27 فرصة عمل وتدريب مميزة في BMCE Capital!

It looks like you’ve shared a list of job​ opportunities⁢ at BMCE Capital in Casablanca, along with links to each⁤ position. Here’s a ⁣summary of the available positions:

  1. Conseiller en investissement‍ Personne physique
  2. Contrôle Interne Junior
  3. Contrôleur Interne Confirmé
  4. Contrôleur Interne Junior
  5. Data Scientist
  6. Ingénieur Etudes et Développement
  7. Stage PFE – Analyste financier Equity
  8. Stage PFE – Asset Manager‍ OPCI
  9. Stage PFE – Chargé de Projet⁣ Organisation & Qualité
  10. Stage⁣ PFE – Contrôleur interne
  11. Stage PFE – Gérant
  12. Trader Compte Propre

Additionally, there are 27 job and internship opportunities listed for BMCE‍ Capital, which is part of the Bank of Africa group, known for its ⁢extensive operations across multiple continents.

If you need more ‌specific information about any position or assistance​ with applications, feel free to ask!It looks like you’ve shared a list of job postings from LinkedIn, primarily in the finance and IT sectors. Here’s a summary of the positions mentioned:

  1. Conseiller en investissement Personne physique – Investment Advisor for individuals.
  2. Contrôle Interne Junior – Junior ‌Internal⁤ Controller.
  3. Contrôleur Interne Confirmé – Confirmed Internal Controller.
  4. Contrôleur Interne Junior – ‍Junior Internal Controller ⁣(another listing).
  5. Data Scientist – Data Scientist‍ position.
  6. Ingénieur Etudes et⁣ Développement ⁣- Engineer ‍for ‌Studies ⁣and​ Development.
  7. Stage PFE – Analyste financier Equity – Internship for Financial Analyst in Equity.
  8. Stage PFE –⁣ Asset Manager OPCI ⁢- Internship‍ for Asset Manager in OPCI (Organisme de Placement Collectif Immobilier).
  9. Stage PFE – Chargé de Projet Organisation & Qualité – Internship as Project Manager in Organization & Quality.
  10. Stage⁢ PFE – Contrôleur interne -⁢ Internship as an ⁤Internal Controller.
  11. Stage PFE – Gérant – Internship as a Manager/Director (likely related to finance or ‌investment).
  12. Trader ⁤Compte Propre – Proprietary Trader.

Additional roles include:

  • Chargé(e) du ‌pilotage commercial
  • Chargé(e) du support opérationnel
  • Chargée d’Accueil / Assistante de Direction
  • Chef de ‍Projet AMOA
  • Chef de projet Etudes & Développement SI
  • Chef de Projet Organisation et Qualité Junior
  • Chef de Projets Etudes & Développement

If you need more specific information‍ about any of these roles or assistance with something else, feel free to ask!Here are⁤ some job⁢ listings that you might find interesting:

  1. CHARGEABLECHANNEL&refId=pJ%2BvSsPZ9gG9CAytCP0CCw%3D%3D&trackingId=m775LJcnwX5t6hk5JQotdg%3D%3D&trk=flagship3searchsrpjobs”>Chef de Projets Etudes & Développement
  1. CHARGEABLECHANNEL&refId=YfBvUJFraiRBlzia6PewzA%3D%3D&trackingId=nVl1WEPIwhaA0BrciiL2A=%20=&trk=flagship4searchsrpjobs”>Contrôle Interne Junior
  1. CHARGEABLECHANNEL&utmsource=pocket&utmmedium=email&utmcampaign=pocket”>Contrôleur Interne Junior
  1. Ingénieur ⁣Etudes et Développement
  1. Stage PFE – Analyste ⁢financier Equity
  1. Stage PFE – Asset Manager OPCI
  1. Stage PFE – Chargé de Projet Organisation & Qualité
  1. Stage PFE – Contrôleur interne)
  1. Stage PFE – ​Gérant )

14 . ⁣[[[[Trader‌ Compte Propre ]( https: //linkedin.jobs.view(4150428971))

Feel free‌ to click on the links​ for ⁤more details about‌ each position!

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