فرصة ذهبية: الصندوق المغربي للتقاعد يعلن عن مباراة توظيف لإطار في التحول الرقمي!

It seems that you have provided a detailed job announcement for a position at the Caisse Marocaine des Retraites (CMR) in Morocco, specifically for a “Développeur full stack (Techlead).” The announcement includes information on how to apply, the required documents, deadlines, and evaluation criteria.
Here’s a summary of the key points from your text:
Job Announcement Summary
Position: Développeur full stack (Techlead)
Application Process:
- Send applications via email to Recrut-STD@cmr.pov.ma.
- Include the following documents:
– Application letter
– Curriculum vitae detailing academic background and professional experience
- Photocopy of diplomas obtained
– Photocopy of National Identity Card
– Document justifying equivalence for diplomas from private or foreign institutions (if applicable)
– Proof of experience
Deadline: Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, September 10, 2024, before midnight.
Important Notes:
- Applications sent through channels other than specified will not be considered.
- Lists of candidates selected for testing will be published on www.cmr.gov.ma and www.emploi-public.ma.
- Tests will take place at CMR headquarters located at Avenue El Arar, Hay Ryad, Rabat.
Evaluation Criteria:
- A commission will conduct interviews with candidates who meet the requirements.
- Candidates must score 12/20 or higher to be ranked based on merit.
Additional Information:
Candidates who do not respond within the specified timeframe after being admitted may lose their position to another candidate from the waiting list.
For further details or specific inquiries regarding this job posting, it is advisable to refer directly to the official websites mentioned above or contact CMR through their provided email address.Il semble que vous ayez partagé un texte concernant une annonce de recrutement, probablement pour un poste au sein de la Caisse Marocaine des Retraites (CMR). Voici un résumé des points clés :
Informations sur le Recrutement
- Documents à Soumettre :
– Demande de candidature.
– Curriculum vitae détaillant le parcours académique et l’expérience professionnelle.
– Photocopie des diplômes obtenus.
– Photocopie de la Carte Nationale d’Identité.
– Document justifiant l’équivalence pour les diplômes étrangers ou privés.
– Justificatif d’expérience.
- Date Limite :
– Les candidatures doivent être soumises avant le mardi 10 septembre 2024 à minuit.
- Soumission des Candidatures :
– Les candidatures doivent être envoyées via le portail de la CMR et par e-mail à : Recrut-STD@cmr.pov.ma
- Sélection et Tests :
– Les candidats retenus seront informés par lettre recommandée et par e-mail.
– Un test sera organisé selon les dates fixées, au siège de la CMR à Rabat.
- Critères d’Évaluation :
- Une commission évaluera les candidats lors d’entretiens basés sur leurs compétences relatives au poste.
- Seuls ceux ayant obtenu une note égale ou supérieure à 12/20 seront classés.
- Remplacement en Cas de Non-disponibilité :
– Tout candidat admis qui ne se présente pas dans le délai imparti sera remplacé selon l’ordre du classement établi.
Liens Utiles
- Pour plus d’informations, consultez les sites : www.cmr.gov.ma et www.emploi-public.ma.
Si vous avez besoin d’aide supplémentaire ou si vous souhaitez poser des questions spécifiques concernant cette annonce, n’hésitez pas à demander !It looks like you’ve shared a job announcement from the Moroccan Retirement Fund (Caisse Marocaine des Retraites) for a full-stack developer position. Here’s a summary of the key points from the announcement:
Job Announcement Summary
Position: Full Stack Developer (Tech Lead)
- Candidates must be Moroccan nationals.
- Age limit: 45 years or younger at the time of publication.
- Must meet specific profile requirements detailed in an attached table.
Application Process:
- Interested candidates should fill out an application form available on the CMR portal: www.cmr.gov.ma.
- Applications must be submitted via email to Recrut-STD@cmr.pov.ma along with required documents:
– Application letter
– Curriculum Vitae
– Copies of diplomas
– National Identity Card
– Equivalence document for foreign/private university degrees (if applicable)
– Proof of experience
- Applications must be submitted by Tuesday, September 10, 2024, before midnight.
Selection Process:
- Candidates who meet the criteria will receive invitations via registered mail and email.
- A commission will conduct interviews to evaluate candidates’ competencies.
- Only those scoring 12/20 or higher will be considered for ranking.
Important Notes:
- Applications sent through channels other than specified will not be considered.
- Lists of selected candidates for tests will be published on www.cmr.gov.ma and www.emploi-public.ma.
For more details, you can refer to the full decision document linked in your original text.
If you need further assistance or specific information about this job posting, feel free to ask!