الوظيفة العمومية

اكتشف مرشحي 26 وظيفة متنوعة في يوم التوظيف الكبير 27 أكتوبر 2024!

It seems ‍that you’ve pasted a ​block of HTML code related to job announcements for‍ positions in Morocco’s Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration, and ⁣Family. The content includes details about the positions available, links to documents for candidates, and ‌important notes regarding the​ examination process.

If you need help with a ⁢specific aspect of this ‍content—such as summarizing it, translating it into another language, or extracting certain information—please ⁢let me know how I can assist⁢ you!It seems like you’ve pasted a ⁢snippet of HTML ‍code that contains information about job‌ positions and links to related documents in⁣ Arabic.⁢ The content includes details about various job titles, their grades, ⁤and the number of available positions. Additionally, ⁢there are⁢ notes regarding the examination process for candidates.

If you need help with something specific regarding this content—such as summarizing it, translating it, or extracting certain information—please let me know!The content you provided appears to be an⁢ announcement regarding job openings for various engineering and⁣ administrative positions in Morocco. It includes details⁣ about the positions, links⁣ to relevant documents, ⁤and important notes for candidates.

Here’s a summary ​of the key points:

Job Positions Available:

  1. مهندس الدولة من الدرجة الأولى (State Engineer – Grade 1)

– Number of Positions: 01
-⁢ 2emegrade.pdf”>Link to PDF

  1. متصرف من الدرجة الثالثة (Administrator – Grade 3)

– ‍Number of⁤ Positions: 04
3emegrade.pdf”>Link to PDF

Important Notes for Candidates:

  • The ‍publication of ⁤these lists serves as a summons for the concerned individuals to ⁢take the exam.
  • Entry into examination rooms is prohibited ​after question distribution has started, and candidates are not allowed to leave until at least half an hour has passed.
  • Candidates‍ must bring their national identity card.


Candidates are encouraged to⁢ share this ‍announcement on social media platforms.

If you need further assistance or specific⁢ information from this ⁢content, feel free to⁣ ask!

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