الوظيفة العمومية

اكتشف قائمة المدعوين لمباراة توظيف 12 منصب بالمكتب الوطني للأعمال الجامعية الاجتماعية والثقافية – فرصتك للانضمام إلى القطاع العام!

It looks like you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code⁢ from a webpage, likely related to a job⁤ posting or recruitment⁤ announcement on the‌ website “dimajadid.com.” This code ‍includes various elements such as stylesheets, meta tags for SEO and social media sharing, and some JavaScript snippets for Google services.

Here’s a brief breakdown of the key components in your HTML snippet:

  1. Stylesheets: The tags reference CSS files that style⁤ the ​webpage. These include styles for ‍themes, dark mode, ‍RTL (right-to-left) support, and social login features.
  1. Meta Tags:

-⁢ The tags ⁤provide information about the page to search‌ engines and social media ‌platforms. They include:
‌ -⁣ og:title, og:description, etc., which ‌are Open Graph ⁣tags⁢ used by Facebook and other platforms.
‍ – Twitter card‌ metadata ⁢(twitter:title, twitter:image, etc.)⁣ for better ‌presentation when shared on Twitter.
⁤ – Other meta tags that‌ define content ‌type, viewport settings for responsive design, robots directives (for SEO), ​etc.

  1. Favicon Links:⁢ These links point to icons used in browser tabs or bookmarks.
  1. JavaScript Snippets: There are placeholders indicating where Google Tag⁤ Manager and Google Analytics scripts would be included to track​ user interactions on the site.
  1. Cookie Consent Notice:‌ A message informing users about‌ cookie usage ⁣with an option to agree.
  1. Body ⁤Content Structure: The body contains elements structured for mobile⁣ navigation⁣ and search functionality but does not⁤ show‌ any actual content from the post itself within this snippet.

If you have specific questions about ⁤this code or need help with something particular regarding it (like how to modify it or troubleshoot‍ issues), feel free to ‌ask!It looks like ⁤you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML ‌code, which includes various links to stylesheets, meta tags for SEO and social media sharing, and some JavaScript snippets related to Google⁤ services.‍ This code appears to be part ​of the head ‍section of a WordPress website using the JNews theme.

Here’s a brief overview of what ​each section does:

  1. Stylesheets: The tags link to CSS files that style the website. These include styles for the main theme (jnews-style-css), dark mode (jnews-darkmode-css), RTL⁢ (right-to-left) support (jnews-rtl-css), and‍ plugins like social login ⁣and share ‍functionalities.
  1. Meta Tags:

-​ The meta tags provide information ⁤about the webpage ⁢for​ search engines and social media platforms.
– Tags such as og:title, og:description, etc., are used by ​Facebook and other ‌platforms⁢ when sharing links.
– The twitter: ‌meta tags are specifically formatted​ for Twitter ‍cards.

  1. Google​ Services:

‍ – There are ​snippets⁣ related ⁤to Google Tag Manager, Google Analytics,‌ and AdSense which help in tracking user interactions ​on the site as well as managing ads.

  1. Favicon Links: These entries specify icons that‌ represent ‌your site in browser⁣ tabs or bookmarks.
  1. JSON-LD Links:⁢ These provide structured data about your content which can help search engines understand it better.
  1. RSS Feeds: The entries allow users to​ subscribe to updates from your site via RSS readers.

If you have specific questions​ or​ need ​assistance ⁣with any part of⁢ this code or its⁤ functionality, feel free to ask!يبدو أن النص الذي قدمته هو جزء من كود HTML ‍لموقع​ ويب، ويحتوي على مجموعة من الروابط والبيانات الوصفية ​المتعلقة بالموقع.‌ إذا كنت بحاجة إلى مساعدة معينة بخصوص هذا الكود، مثل كيفية استخدامه أو تعديله، يرجى ‌توضيح ذلك وسأكون سعيدًا بمساعدتك!

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