اكتشف المناصب المالية المثيرة في مشروع قانون المالية 2025 على مروك.كوم!

It seems that you have provided a snippet of HTML code that contains information about various ministries and institutions, along with the number of financial positions associated with each. The data appears to be in Arabic and includes the following details:
- الهيئة الوطنية للنزاهة والوقاية من الرشوة ومحاربتها - National Authority for Integrity, Prevention of Corruption, and Fight Against It
- وزارة الإدماج الاقتصادي والمقاولة الصغرى والتشغيل والكفاءات – Ministry of Economic Integration, Small Enterprises, Employment, and Skills
- الوزارة المنتدبة لدي رئيس الحكومة المكلفة بالاستثمار والتقائية وتقييم السياسات العمومية – Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Coordination, and Evaluation of Public Policies
- الأمانة العامة للحكومة – General Secretariat of the Government
- وزارة الصناعة والتجارة - Ministry of Industry and Trade
- مجلس النواب – House of Representatives
- مجلس المستشارين – House of Councillors
- وزارة التضامن والإدماج الاجتماعي والأسرة - Ministry of Solidarity, Social Integration, and Family
- المجلس الوطني لحقوق الإنسان – National Council for Human Rights
The table also lists financial positions allocated to various ministries such as:
- وزارة الداخلية (Ministry of Interior) – 7744 positions.
- وزارة الصحة والحماية الاجتماعية (Ministry of Health and Social Protection) – 6500 positions.
- إدارة الدفاع الوطني (National Defense Administration) – 5792 positions.
- وزارة الاقتصاد والمالية (Ministry Economy & Finance) – 2600 positions.
And so on for other ministries.
If you need further assistance or specific information extracted from this data or if you have any questions regarding it, please let me know!It seems that you’ve provided a snippet of HTML code containing a table with various governmental entities and their associated numerical values. The content appears to be in Arabic, listing different ministries and organizations along with some numerical data, possibly indicating scores or rankings.
If you need assistance with this content—such as extracting specific information, translating it, or formatting it differently—please let me know how I can help!It seems you’ve pasted a snippet of HTML code that contains a table with various government ministries and their corresponding numerical values. The data appears to be in Arabic, listing different ministries along with some numerical identifiers.
Here’s a summary of the information presented in the table:
- Ministries and Their Values:
– وزارة النقل والوجيستيك (Ministry of Transport and Logistics) – 50
– وزارة السياحة والصناعة التقليدية والاقتصاد الاجتماعي والتضامني (Ministry of Tourism, Handicrafts, Social Economy, and Solidarity) – 49
– الهيئة الوطنية للنزاهة والوقاية من الرشوة ومحاربتها (National Authority for Integrity and Prevention of Corruption) - 35
- وزارة الإدماج الاقتصادي والمقاولة الصغرى والتشغيل والكفاءات (Ministry of Economic Integration, Small Enterprises, Employment, and Skills) – 34
– الوزارة المنتدبة لدي رئيس الحكومة المكلفة بالاستثمار والتقائية وتقييم السياسات العمومية (Minister Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment Coordination and Evaluation of Public Policies) – 30
– Other ministries listed include the General Secretariat of the Government, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Parliament councils (House of Representatives & House of Councillors), Ministry for Solidarity & Social Integration & Family among others.
- Total Count:
The total sum at the end is noted as “28406”.
If you need further assistance or specific details about this data or its context, please let me know!