فرصة عمل مميزة: توظيف متصرف من الدرجة الثالثة – قدم طلبك قبل 6 يناير 2025!

It seems you have provided a detailed announcement regarding a recruitment competition for the position of “Administrateur de 3ème grade” at the Institut Pasteur du Maroc. Here’s a summary of the key points from your text:
Summary of Recruitment Announcement
Position: Administrateur de 3ème grade
Function: Chargé des relations clientèles pharmaceutiques
Date of Competition: January 25, 2025, at 09:00 AM
Location: Faculté de Médecine et de Pharmacie, Casablanca
- Diploma: Relevant bachelor’s degree.
- Experience: Minimum of 3 years in customer relations within the pharmaceutical sector.
Evaluation Process:
- Oral Exam Duration: 30 minutes
- Number of Candidates for Oral Exam: 02
Application Dossier Must Include:
- Application letter addressed to the Director of IPM.
- Certified copy (front and back) of national identity card (CIN).
- Certified copies of diplomas obtained.
- Detailed CV.
- Certificate justifying experience.
- For civil servant candidates: favorable opinion from their original administration.
Submission Details:
- Applications must be submitted in sealed envelopes to the Bureau d’Ordre at Institut Pasteur du Maroc or sent by registered mail to:
– Place Louis Pasteur, Casablanca, Morocco
– Deadline for submission: January 6, 2025, by 4 PM (postmark date will be considered).
Important Notes:
- Candidates must score at least 12/20 in written exams to qualify for oral exams and also achieve this score in oral exams for final selection.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered; any false information may lead to disqualification.
For further details and updates on candidate lists and results, refer to www.employ-public.ma & www.ipm.ma.
If you need more specific information or assistance with any part related to this announcement or its requirements, feel free to ask!It seems that you have provided a detailed announcement regarding a competitive examination for a position at the Institut Pasteur du Maroc. The document outlines various aspects of the competition, including eligibility criteria, required application documents, details about the examination process (both written and oral), and important deadlines.
Here’s a summary of key points from your text:
Summary of Competitive Examination Announcement
Article 2: Conditions d’éligibilité
- Nationality: Must be Moroccan.
- Age: Must be under 45 years old on the date of the exam.
- Education: Must hold at least a Bachelor’s degree or an equivalent recognized diploma.
- Experience: Minimum of 3 years in customer relations within the pharmaceutical sector.
- Disciplinary Record: Must not be registered in the central disciplinary record of public administrations.
Article 3: Nature des épreuves
The competition consists of two parts:
- Written Examinations
– Epreuve écrite N°1: General dissertation on health sector topics (Duration: 2 hours; Coefficient: 1).
– Epreuve écrite n°2: Questions related to candidate’s specialty (Duration: 3 hours; Coefficient: 1).
- Oral Examination
– Evaluation based on candidates’ abilities to perform job functions relevant to the competition (Duration: 30 minutes; Coefficient: 2).
Article 4: Dossier de candidature
Candidates must submit:
- A participation request addressed to Monsieur le Directeur du Centre des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM) with personal details.
- A certified copy of their national identity card (CIN).
- Certified copies of diplomas obtained.
- A detailed CV.
- Proof of experience.
- For civil servants, approval from their original administration is required.
Article 5: Dépôt du dossier
Applications must be submitted in sealed envelopes either directly at:
Bureau d’Ordre de l’institut pasteur du Maroc, or by registered mail to:
Place Louis Pasteur Casablanca, Boite Postale 120, Casablanca, Morocco.
The deadline for submission is January 6th, 2025 at noon.
Important Notes
- Candidates who score above or equal to12/20 will proceed past written exams and into oral evaluations.
- Incomplete applications will not be considered and any false information may lead to disqualification.
For further updates regarding candidate lists for written tests and final results, candidates should check www.emploi-public.ma & www.ipm.ma.
If you need assistance with anything specific related to this announcement or further clarification on any point mentioned above, feel free to ask!Il semble que vous ayez partagé un extrait d’un document concernant un concours, incluant des informations sur l’épreuve orale, le dossier de candidature et les modalités de dépôt. Voici un résumé des points clés :
Épreuve Orale
- Durée : 30 minutes
- Nombre de candidats : 02
Dossier de Candidature (Article 4)
Le dossier doit comprendre :
- Une demande adressée au Directeur du Centre des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM) avec les informations personnelles du candidat.
- Une copie certifiée conforme à l’original de la carte d’identité nationale (CIN).
- Une copie certifiée conforme à l’original des diplômes obtenus.
- Un curriculum vitae détaillé.
- Une attestation justifiant de l’expérience professionnelle.
- Pour les fonctionnaires, une demande avec avis favorable de leur administration.
Dépôt du Dossier (Article 5)
- Les dossiers doivent être déposés sous plis fermés au Bureau d’Ordre de l’institut Pasteur du Maroc ou par voie postale recommandée à :
- Adresse : Place Louis Pasteur Casablanca 20360 Boite Postale 120
- Date limite : Le 06 Janvier 2025 à 16h.
Informations Importantes
- Les listes des candidats retenus pour les épreuves écrites et orales seront publiées sur les sites www.emploi-public.ma et www.ipm.ma.
- Seuls les candidats ayant obtenu une note égale ou supérieure à 12/20 seront retenus pour la suite du processus.
Assurez-vous que votre dossier est complet avant la date limite pour éviter toute annulation due à des informations erronées ou incomplètes !