انضم إلى AVL: (30) فرصة فريدة بانتظارك! – وظائف ومسابقات التوظيف في المغرب

It looks like you’re sharing a list of job opportunities at AVL in Sala Al Jadida, Morocco. Here’s a summary of the positions mentioned:
- Safety Manager
- Vehicle EE Operability Engineer
- 0D/1D Simulation Engineer
- EE Development & Analysis Engineer
- Data Engineer
- System Development Engineer
- Data Strategy Expert
- Transmission Software Controls Engineer
- IT Administrator (Key User)
- System Development Engineer – PWT (Powertrain)
- Calibration Engineer Gasoline Base
- Data Architect
- Functional Safety Engineer
- ECU Hardware Engineer
- Safety & Cybersecurity Lead Engineer
- System Development Engineer – Vehicle Functions
- Data Governance Specialist
- Project Performance Engineer
- Additional roles related to IT and system development.
AVL is known for its expertise in powertrain engineering, instrumentation and test systems, and advanced simulation technology within the automotive sector.
If you need more specific information about any of these roles or how to apply, please let me know!Here are the job listings available at AVL in Sala Al Jadida:
- Project Management Office
- Electric, Electronic & SW dev & testing engineer (HIL)
- Data Scientist
- Data Analyst & SW Developer
- IT Technician
- Safety Manager
- Vehicle EE operability Engineer
- 0D/1D Simulation Engineer
- EE Development & analysis engineer
- System Development Engineer – Vehicle functions a > “>System Development Engineer - Vehicle functions )
12. Data Governance Specialist a > “> Data Governance Specialist
13. Project performance Engine er a > “> Project performance Engineer
14. S ystem development Eng ineer – PWT a> “> System development Eng ineer – PWT
15. IT Telecom Eng ineer (Senior)/107716510 01?m ode=j ob&i s=i ndeed&i sn=i nde ed.c om”> IT Telecom Eng ineer (Senior))
16. System Devel opment En gineer-Energy Management Functions(Senior-level)/112294790 01?m ode=j ob&i s=i nd eed&&am p;ii sn==I nd e ed.c om”> S ystem Devel opment En gineers-Energy Management Functions(Senior-level))
17.[ Senior Sy stem De velop ment En gineers–Energy&Thermal Management] (
For more details on each position, you can click on the respective links to view the full descriptions and application instructions.