الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة عمل مميزة: مباراة توظيف متصرف من الدرجة الثالثة – قدم طلبك قبل 17 يناير 2025!

It seems that you’ve shared a detailed announcement regarding a recruitment competition for the‍ position of an Administrator⁣ (3rd grade) at the Institut Pasteur du Maroc. The document outlines various aspects of ‍the competition, including:

  1. Oral​ Examination: ⁤

– Duration: 30 minutes
– Number of‌ candidates evaluated: 2

  1. Application⁤ Dossier Requirements:

​- A participation request ⁣addressed to the ​Director of ‍the Centre des Sérums et Vaccins.
-⁤ A certified copy of the national identity card (CIN).
⁢ – Certified copies of obtained​ diplomas.
– A detailed curriculum⁢ vitae.
– For civil servant candidates, a favorable opinion from their‍ original administration.

  1. Submission Details:

‌ – ⁢Applications must be submitted in sealed envelopes to the Bureau d’Ordre at Institut ⁢Pasteur du Maroc or sent by⁢ registered mail.
– Deadline for submission is January 17, 2025, at 16h.

  1. Important Notes:

⁣ – Lists of selected candidates will be published on specified websites.
– Candidates must score ⁢at least 12/20 in written tests ‌and oral evaluations to be considered.

  1. Job Description:

The role⁣ involves ⁣managing client relations for both contracted⁣ and non-contracted clients.

If you need further assistance or specific information extracted from this announcement, please let me know!It⁤ seems that you’ve provided a​ detailed announcement regarding‍ a competitive examination ​for a position⁣ at the​ Institut Pasteur du Maroc. The‌ document outlines‌ various aspects of the competition, including eligibility criteria, application requirements, and details about ⁣the examination⁣ process.

Here’s a summary⁤ of the key points:

Summary of Competitive Examination Announcement

Article 2: Conditions d’éligibilité

  • Nationality: Must be Moroccan.
  • Age: Under 45 years on the date of the exam.
  • Education: Must hold either:

– A Bachelor’s degree in​ fundamental studies or professional license from recognized institutions.
-‍ An equivalent⁣ diploma as‍ per current regulations.

  • Experience:‌ Professional experience is preferred.
  • Disciplinary Record: Must not be registered in the central disciplinary record of public administrations.

Article 3: Nature des épreuves

The ⁤competition ‌consists of two parts:

  1. Written Exam

– Two⁣ written ⁢tests:
⁣ – Test N°1: General dissertation on health sector topics ⁣(Duration: 2 hours,‍ Coefficient: 1).
‌- Test N°2: Questions related ​to candidate’s specialty (Duration: 3 hours, Coefficient:⁢ 1).

  1. Oral Exam

– Evaluation⁢ based on candidates’ abilities to perform job functions (Duration: 30 minutes, Coefficient: 2).

Article 4 : Dossier de candidature

Candidates must submit:

  • A participation request addressed to ​Monsieur le⁣ Directeur du Centre des Sérums ⁣et Vaccins (IPM) with personal details⁤ and specialty.
  • Certified copy of‍ national identity card (CIN).
  • Certified copies of‍ diplomas obtained.
  • Detailed ‍CV.
  • For ‍civil servants, an approval from​ their ⁣original ​administration is ⁢required.

Article 5 : Dépôt du dossier

Applications‍ must be submitted in sealed envelopes either at:

  • The Bureau d’Ordre de l’institut ⁤pasteur du ⁣Maroc,


  • By registered ‍mail to:

Place Louis‍ Pasteur Casablanca
⁤ Boite Postale 120
Casablanca ⁤

The deadline for ⁣submission is January 17,‍ 2025, at noon.

Important Notes

  • Candidates who score equal or above a mark of 12/20 ⁣ will qualify for further stages in both written and oral exams.
  • Incomplete applications‌ will not ⁣be considered; any‌ false information may ‌lead to disqualification.

For more information regarding⁣ results and updates about candidates’ status after each ⁤stage can be found on www.emploi-public.ma & www.ipm.ma.

If you need‌ further assistance or specific details ⁣extracted from ‌this⁣ announcement or have other questions related to it, feel free ⁣to ask!It‌ seems⁣ that you’ve pasted a block of​ HTML ‍code related to an oral examination and application process‌ for ​a competition,​ likely in a French-speaking context. The content includes ⁢details about​ the oral exam, requirements for the application dossier, submission guidelines, and important‍ notes regarding candidate selection.

Here’s a brief summary​ of ‌the key points:

Oral Examination

  • Purpose: ‌Evaluation ​of candidates’ abilities to ​perform the job related to the competition.
  • Duration: ⁤30 minutes.
  • Number of Candidates: 02.

Application Dossier Requirements⁢ (Article 4)

Candidates must submit:

  1. A participation request addressed to the Director of the Centre des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM), including personal ⁢details (name, address, phone number, specialty).
  2. A certified copy of their national identity card (CIN) (front and back).
  3. Certified copies⁤ of​ obtained diplomas.
  4. A detailed ​curriculum vitae.
  5. For civil servant candidates: approval ‌from their original administration.

Submission Guidelines (Article⁤ 5)

  • Applications⁤ must be submitted ⁣in ‍sealed envelopes either ⁢at:

⁢ ‍ – The Bureau d’Ordre​ de l’institut pasteur du Maroc
– By registered​ mail to:

     Place Louis Pasteur Casablanca 20360 Boite Postale 120
  • Deadline: January ⁣17, 2025, at 16h (postmark date will be considered).

Important ⁤Notes

  • Lists of selected‍ candidates for written tests and those eligible​ for oral exams ⁢will be published on specified websites.
  • Candidates must score at‌ least 12/20 in both written and⁣ oral exams to ‌be retained.
  • Incomplete applications or false information will lead to disqualification.

If you need further assistance or specific information extracted from this text or ⁤if you have any questions about it, feel free to​ ask!Il semble que ‍vous ⁤ayez partagé un texte ‍concernant un concours, probablement pour des postes⁢ au sein d’une​ institution liée à‌ la santé au‌ Maroc. Voici un résumé des points clés‍ :

Résumé du Concours

Article 2 : Conditions d’Éligibilité

  • Nationalité : Candidats de nationalité marocaine.
  • Âge : Moins⁤ de 45 ans à la date du concours.
  • Diplôme : Titulaire d’un diplôme de licence ou ‌équivalent reconnu.
  • Expérience professionnelle ⁢: Souhaitée mais non‍ obligatoire.
  • Casier judiciaire : Ne pas être inscrit‍ dans le‌ casier central disciplinaire‌ des administrations publiques.

Article​ 3 : Nature⁤ des Épreuves

Le ⁢concours comprend deux types ‌d’épreuves :

  1. Épreuve écrite

– Dissertation générale sur le secteur de⁤ la santé (2⁢ heures, coefficient 1).
– ⁤Questions spécifiques ‌à la spécialité du candidat (3 heures, coefficient 1).

  1. Épreuve orale

– Évaluation des​ capacités à exercer la fonction ‍(30 minutes, ⁢coefficient 2).

Article 4 : Dossier de Candidature

Le dossier doit inclure :

  • Demande adressée au Directeur du Centre des Sérums et Vaccins avec les informations personnelles.
  • Copie certifiée conforme de la carte d’identité nationale.
  • Copies certifiées conformes​ des diplômes obtenus.
  • Curriculum vitae détaillé.
  • Avis favorable pour‍ les fonctionnaires.

Article 5 ‍: ‌Dépôt ​du Dossier

Les dossiers doivent être déposés sous plis fermés ou par⁣ voie postale recommandée avant le 17 Janvier ⁤2025 à 16h.

Informations Importantes

Les résultats seront ⁢publiés⁣ sur les sites web officiels et seuls les candidats ayant obtenu une note égale ou supérieure à 12/20 seront retenus pour l’épreuve orale et pour l’admission finale. Les ‌dossiers incomplets ou contenant des informations erronées ne seront⁣ pas pris​ en compte.

Si vous avez besoin d’informations supplémentaires ou si vous ‌souhaitez discuter davantage sur ce sujet, n’hésitez pas !

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