الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة عمل مميزة: توظيف 2 تقنيي صحة من الدرجة الأولى! قدم طلبك قبل 17 يناير 2025!

It⁤ seems that you have provided a ⁤detailed announcement regarding a recruitment competition for the position of “Technicien de santé ‌1er grade” at the Institut Pasteur du Maroc. Below is a summary of the ​key ⁢points from your text:

Summary of Recruitment Announcement

Position: Technicien de ‌santé 1er grade
Location: Centre‌ régional de Tanger, Institut Pasteur du Maroc⁢
Date of Exam: February 8, 2025,‍ at ⁣09:00 AM ⁢
Number of Positions Available: 2

Required Qualifications:

  • Diploma: License in nursing professions and health techniques (ISPITS) ⁣or equivalent.
  • Experience: Professional experience in the field is desirable.

Application ‌Requirements:

Candidates must submit the following​ documents:

  1. A participation request addressed to Monsieur le ​Directeur du⁢ Centre des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM), including⁤ name, address, phone⁣ number, and specialty.
  2. A certified copy of their national ‍identity card (CIN).
  3. Certified copies of obtained diplomas.
  4. A detailed ⁣curriculum vitae.
  5. For civil servant⁣ candidates:‌ an approval notice from their original administration.

Submission Details:

  • Applications must be‍ submitted in sealed envelopes to the Bureau d’Ordre at Institut Pasteur du Maroc or sent by registered mail to:

‍- Address: ⁤Place ⁤Louis Pasteur Casablanca 20360 Boite Postale 120

  • Deadline for submission: ‌January 17, 2025, by 4 PM​ (postmark date ‌will be considered).

Important ⁤Notes:

  • Candidates‌ who score⁢ equal to​ or above ⁢ 12/20 on written ‍tests will qualify for oral exams.
  • Incomplete applications will ​not be considered; incorrect information‍ may lead to disqualification.

Additional Information

The results regarding candidates selected for written tests and those‌ eligible for oral exams will be published on www.emploi-public.ma and www.ipm.ma.

This summary captures all essential details about ‍the recruitment process as outlined in⁤ your document​ while‌ maintaining clarity and conciseness. If you need⁤ further assistance or​ specific sections​ elaborated upon, ‌feel free to ask!It seems that you have provided a detailed announcement regarding a competitive examination, including information about the oral and written tests, eligibility criteria, application requirements, and submission details. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Summary‌ of Competitive⁤ Examination Announcement

Article 2: Eligibility Criteria

  • Nationality: Must be Moroccan.
  • Age: Under ‍45⁢ years on the ‌date of the ⁢exam.
  • Education: Holder of a⁢ Bachelor’s degree from ISPITS or an equivalent recognized diploma.
  • Experience: Professional experience is preferred.
  • Disciplinary Record: Must not be registered in the central disciplinary record of public administrations.

Article 3: Nature of Tests

The competition consists of two parts:

  1. Written Test

– Duration and specific content related to the candidate’s specialty will‌ be assessed.

  1. Oral Test

– Duration: 30 minutes
– Coefficient: 02
– Focuses on evaluating candidates’ capabilities ⁣for the⁤ position.

Article 4:‌ Application Dossier

Candidates must submit:

  • A participation request addressed to Monsieur le Directeur du Centre des Sérums ‍et Vaccins ​(IPM), including personal details (name, address, phone number, specialty).
  • A certified copy (front and back) of their national identity card (CIN).
  • Certified copies of obtained diplomas.
  • A detailed CV.
  • For​ civil servant candidates, an approval ‍from their original administration ​is required.

Article 5: Submission Details

Applications​ must be submitted in sealed envelopes to:
Bureau ⁢d’Ordre de l’institut⁣ pasteur ⁢du Maroc, or by registered mail to:
1 Place‍ Louis Pasteur Casablanca 20360 Boite ⁢Postale 120.

Deadline for submission: January 17, 2025 at 16h (postmark date will be considered).

Important Notes:

  • Candidates who score at least 12/20 in written tests will qualify for oral exams; those who achieve ⁤this score in oral ‌exams will be retained definitively.
  • Incomplete applications or false information may lead to disqualification.

For further updates‌ regarding selected candidates⁤ for written ⁢tests and ⁤other announcements, check www.emploi-public.ma & www.ipm.ma.

If ⁢you need any more specific ⁤information ‌or assistance with this announcement or its contents, feel free to ask!It seems ‌that you’ve pasted a block ⁣of HTML content related to a job‍ application process, specifically for a competition at the Institut Pasteur du Maroc. The text ⁣includes details ‌about the oral examination, requirements for the application dossier, submission​ guidelines, and important deadlines.

Here’s a brief summary of the key points from your content:

Oral Examination

  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Evaluation: Assesses candidates’ abilities to perform the job related‍ to the⁤ competition.
  • Number⁢ of ​Candidates: 02

Application Dossier Requirements (Article 4)

Candidates must submit:

  1. A participation request addressed⁤ to Monsieur le‌ Directeur du Centre des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM), including name, address, phone number, and specialty.
  2. A certified copy‍ of their national identity⁣ card (CIN) (front and back).
  3. Certified⁤ copies of obtained diplomas.
  4. A detailed curriculum vitae.
  5. For civil servant candidates: an approval⁢ notice from their original⁤ administration.

Submission Guidelines (Article 5)

  • Applications‍ must be submitted⁣ in sealed envelopes either at:

– ⁤Bureau d’Ordre de l’institut pasteur du Maroc
– By‌ registered⁢ mail to:

     Place Louis Pasteur Casablanca 20360 Boite Postale 120
  • Deadline: ⁢January 17, 2025, at 16h (postmark date will be considered).

Important Notes

  • Lists of selected candidates for written tests and those eligible for oral​ exams will be published⁤ on:


Candidates need to​ score at least 12/20 in both written ⁢and⁣ oral exams⁢ to qualify.

If you ⁤need further assistance or specific information extracted or reformatted from this text, please let me know!Il semble que vous ayez partagé un texte concernant un concours pour ‍des postes liés​ à des automates dans un laboratoire, avec des détails sur les rôles, les conditions d’éligibilité, ‌la ‌nature des épreuves ⁢et le dossier de candidature. Voici‍ un résumé structuré de ce contenu :

Rôles nécessaires pour ⁣les automates

  • Préparation des échantillons pour analyse et/ou sous-traitance.
  • Conservation des échantillons selon les conditions requises.
  • Collaboration‌ avec l’équipe du laboratoire.

Conditions‍ d’éligibilité

Le concours est ouvert aux candidats qui :

  • Sont de nationalité marocaine.
  • Ont moins de ⁣45‌ ans à ‌la date⁢ du concours.
  • Sont titulaires d’un diplôme de Licence délivré par⁤ l’ISPITS ou équivalent reconnu.
  • Possèdent une expérience professionnelle souhaitée.
  • Ne sont pas inscrits au casier central disciplinaire des administrations publiques.

Nature des épreuves

Le concours comprend deux épreuves :

  1. Épreuve écrite :

​ – Durée‌ : 3 heures
⁢ – Coefficient : 1
– Sujet : Questions concernant‍ la spécialité du candidat.

  1. Épreuve orale :

– Durée : 30 minutes
-⁢ Coefficient : 2
– Sujet : Évaluation des capacités à exercer la fonction visée par le concours.

Dossier de candidature

Les candidats doivent soumettre :

  • Une demande⁣ adressée‍ au Directeur du Centre ‍des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM).
  • Une copie certifiée conforme de la ⁣carte d’identité nationale (CIN).
  • Une copie certifiée conforme des diplômes obtenus.
  • Un ‍curriculum vitae détaillé.
  • Pour les fonctionnaires, une demande avec avis favorable de leur ​administration d’origine.

Dépôt du dossier

Les dossiers‌ doivent être déposés sous⁢ plis fermés au Bureau d’Ordre de l’institut Pasteur du Maroc ou envoyés par voie postale recommandée avant le 17 Janvier 2025 à 16h. ⁣

Informations importantes :

La liste des candidats retenus sera publiée sur les sites www.emploi-public.ma et www.ipm.ma. Les candidats doivent obtenir une note⁣ supérieure ou égale à ⁢12/20​ pour être retenus aux différentes étapes.

Si vous avez besoin d’informations supplémentaires ou si vous souhaitez discuter ​davantage sur ce ‌sujet, n’hésitez pas à demander !

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