الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة عمل مذهلة: 23 وظيفة شاغرة في مجالات متنوعة! قدم طلبك قبل 1 نونبر 2024!

It seems like you’ve shared a snippet of HTML code that contains job announcements for various positions in Morocco,⁢ specifically ‍related ⁤to training roles at the Office de la Formation Professionnelle et de la Promotion du Travail (OFPPT). The ⁤announcements include links to download detailed job⁢ descriptions and specify the number of available positions ‌for each role.

Here’s a summary of ‍the key information from your content:

Job⁢ Announcements Summary

  1. Position: Formateur Enseignant du Golf

Reference: RH 773/2024
Number of Positions: 02
FormateurServicesauxjoueursdeGolf.pdf”>Download Announcement

  1. Position: Formateur en Infrastructures digitales Bac+2-Dakhla

Reference: RH 771/2024
‌ – Number of Positions: 03
– ⁢FormateurenInfrastructuresdigitalesBac2.pdf”>Download Announcement

  1. Additional positions are mentioned but not fully listed in your snippet.

Important Dates:

  • The deadline for applications is November⁢ 1, ​2024.

If ‌you need further‍ assistance or specific details about any position, feel free to ask!It ‍looks like you’ve shared a snippet of HTML code that contains job postings for ⁤various positions related to golf training and digital infrastructure in Morocco. Here’s a summary of the key information​ from the content:

Job Postings Summary

  1. Position: Formateur Hospitality Manager (RH 774/2024)

Number of Positions: 01
‌ – FormateurEnseignantduGolf.pdf”>Details Here

  1. Position: Formateur Services aux joueurs de Golf (RH 772/2024)

Number of Positions: 02
FormateurenInfrastructuresdigitalesBac2Dakhla.pdf”>Details Here

Important Dates

  • The deadline for applications is November 1, 2024.

Call to Action

  • There is an encouragement to share this announcement ⁣on social media ⁢platforms.

If you need further assistance or specific details about any position, feel free to ask!المملكة المغربية

مكتب التكوين المهني وإنعاش⁣ الشغل

بتصرف موقع الوظيفة -⁢ مروك.كوم

إعلانات مباريات توظيف

| تحميل ومشاهدة الإعلان | عدد المناصب | التخصص |
| اضغط هنا | 15 ⁣ | Formateur en Infrastructures digitales-Bac+2 (RH 775/2024) |
| اضغط هنا | 01 | Formateur Hospitality⁢ Manager (RH 774/2024) |
| اضغط هنا| ​02 ⁢‍ ⁢ | Formateur Enseignant du Golf (RH 773/2024) |
| اضغط هنا| 02 ⁤ | Formateur Services aux joueurs de Golf (RH 772 / 2024 )|
| اضغط⁤ هنا| 03 | Formateur en Infrastructures digitales Bac+2-Dakhla (RH771 / 2019 )|

آخر أجل للترشيح هو 1 نونبر 2023

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