الوظيفة العمومية

فرصة ذهبية: مباراة توظيف 01 تقني صحة من الدرجة الأولى – قدم طلبك قبل 17 يناير 2025!

It seems that you have provided a detailed ⁣announcement regarding ‌a job competition for the position of “Technicien de santé 1er grade” at the Institut Pasteur du Maroc. The document outlines various aspects ⁢of ⁣the recruitment process, including:

  1. Oral Examination:

– Duration: 30 minutes
– Number of candidates evaluated: 2

  1. Application Dossier Requirements:

⁢ – A request for participation addressed to the Director​ of the ‍Centre des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM), including personal details.
‌- A certified ‌copy of the national identity card (CIN).
-‌ Certified copies⁢ of obtained diplomas.
⁢- A detailed curriculum vitae.
– For civil servant candidates, ‌an approval from their original administration.

  1. Submission ⁤Process:

– Applications must be submitted in sealed envelopes either at the Bureau d’Ordre de ‍l’Institut Pasteur du Maroc or via registered mail to a specified address.
⁤⁣ – Deadline for submission is January 17, 2025, by 4 PM.

  1. Important Notes:

⁣ – Lists of selected candidates will be published on specific websites.
– Candidates must achieve a minimum score of 12/20 in both written⁢ and oral exams to qualify.

  1. Job⁣ Description:

The role involves responsibilities under laboratory supervision but⁣ is not fully detailed in your excerpt.

If you need assistance with any‌ specific part or​ further information about this announcement, please let me know!It seems that you‌ have ⁢provided a detailed announcement regarding a competitive examination, including information about the oral and written tests, ‌eligibility criteria, application requirements, and submission ‍details. Here’s a summary of the key points:

Summary of Competitive Examination Announcement

Oral Examination

  • Purpose: Evaluation of candidates’ abilities ‌to perform the job related‍ to the competition.
  • Duration: 30 minutes
  • Coefficient: 02

Application Dossier Requirements

Candidates must submit the following documents:

  1. A participation request addressed to the Director of IPM ‍(Institut⁤ Pasteur du‍ Maroc), including:

– ⁢Name and surname
– Address
– Phone number
⁤ – Specialty

  1. A certified​ copy of their national identity card (CIN) (front and back).
  2. Certified copies‌ of obtained diplomas.
  3. Detailed curriculum ‌vitae.
  4. For civil servant candidates, an approval from their original administration.

Submission Details

  • Applications⁢ must be ‌submitted‍ in sealed envelopes at:

Bureau d’Ordre de l’Institut Pasteur du Maroc
or via registered mail to:

1⁤ Place⁣ Louis Pasteur Casablanca​ 20360 Boite ​Postale 120

  • Deadline for submission: January 17, 2025, at 16h (postmark date will be considered).

Important Notes

  • The‍ list of⁤ candidates selected for written tests will ‌be published on:


  • Candidates must score at least 12/20 ‌ in both written and oral exams to qualify.
  • Incomplete applications will not be considered; any false information may lead to disqualification.

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must meet these conditions:

  1. Moroccan⁣ nationality.
  2. Age under 45 years​ as ⁣of the exam date.
  3. Hold‍ a diploma from ISPITS or an equivalent recognized diploma.
  4. Preferred professional experience.
  5. Not listed in‍ the central disciplinary record for public administrations.

This‍ announcement provides essential ⁢information for potential candidates interested​ in ⁣applying for positions related to this competition at IPM Morocco.

If you need ‍further assistance or specific details extracted from this text, feel free ‌to ask!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information ⁣about an oral examination and the application process for a competition, likely related to a position at the​ Institut Pasteur in Morocco. Here’s a summary of the key points from your ‌text:

Oral Examination

  • Purpose: Evaluation of candidates’ abilities to perform the function related to ⁢the competition.
  • Duration: 30 ⁤minutes.
  • Number of Candidates: ‍02.

Application‌ Dossier (Dossier de candidature)

Candidates must submit the following documents:

  1. A participation request addressed to Monsieur le⁤ Directeur du Centre des Sérums et Vaccins⁣ (IPM), ‌including:

‍- Name and surname
​ – Address
– Phone number
– Specialty

  1. A ⁢certified copy of their national identity card (CIN) (front and back).
  2. A certified copy of obtained diplomas.
  3. A detailed curriculum vitae.
  4. For civil servant candidates, an approval from their original administration is required.

Submission Process (Dépôt du ‌dossier)

  • Applications must be submitted ‌in sealed envelopes either at:

– The Bureau d’Ordre de l’Institut Pasteur du Maroc,
– Or by registered mail to:

    Place Louis Pasteur Casablanca 20360 Boite Postale 120.
  • Deadline‌ for submission: January 17, 2025, at 16h (postmark will be considered).

Important Notes

  • Lists of candidates selected for written tests and⁤ those eligible for oral exams will be published on:


  • Candidates must score at least 12/20 in both written and oral exams to be retained.

This summary captures essential ‍details regarding the examination process and application requirements as outlined in your provided text. If you need further assistance or specific formatting changes, feel free to ask!Il ⁣semble que vous ayez partagé un texte concernant un concours pour des postes liés à la ​collecte d’échantillons d’eau et d’aliments, ainsi que les conditions de candidature. Voici un résumé des points clés⁢ :

Résumé du Concours

Tâches Principales :

  • Effectuer des prélèvements d’eau (mer,⁣ navires, puits) et d’aliments.
  • Conserver les échantillons selon les conditions requises.
  • Collaborer avec l’équipe du laboratoire.

Conditions d’Éligibilité :

  1. Nationalité marocaine.
  2. Âge inférieur⁤ à 45 ans à la date du concours.
  3. Titulaire d’un diplôme de Licence délivré par l’ISPITS ou équivalent reconnu.
  4. Expérience⁤ professionnelle souhaitée.
  5. Ne pas être inscrit dans le ⁤casier disciplinaire des administrations ⁤publiques.

Nature des Épreuves :

  • Épreuve⁣ écrite ⁣: Questions sur la spécialité (durée : 3 heures, coefficient :⁢ 1).
  • Épreuve orale : Évaluation des capacités (durée : 30 minutes, coefficient : 2).

Dossier de Candidature :

Le ​dossier doit inclure :

  • Une demande adressée au Directeur du Centre des Sérums et Vaccins (IPM).
  • Une copie certifiée conforme de la carte nationale d’identité (CIN).
  • Une copie certifiée conforme des diplômes obtenus.
  • Un curriculum vitae détaillé.
  • Pour les fonctionnaires, une demande avec avis favorable de leur administration.

Dépôt du Dossier :

Les dossiers⁣ doivent être déposés sous plis ‌fermés au Bureau ​d’Ordre de l’institut Pasteur ou par voie postale recommandée avant le 17 Janvier 2025 à 16h.

Informations Importantes

La liste des candidats retenus sera publiée sur les sites www.emploi-public.ma et www.ipm.ma. Les candidats doivent obtenir une note supérieure ou égale à 12/20 pour passer aux étapes suivantes.

Si vous avez besoin de plus amples informations ou si vous souhaitez discuter davantage sur ce sujet, n’hésitez pas à demander !

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