فرصة ذهبية: توظيف 3 مهندسي دولة و5 متصرفين من الدرجة الثانية وتقني من الدرجة الثالثة في قطاع التنمية المستدامة – لا تفوتوا الفرصة!

It looks like you’ve shared a snippet of HTML content related to job postings in the Moroccan Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development. The content includes details about available positions, such as:
- (5) Administrateurs 2ème Grade (5 positions for 2nd grade administrators)
- (3) Ingénieurs d’Etat 1er Grade (3 positions for 1st grade state engineers)
- (1) Technicien 3ème Grade (1 position for a 3rd grade technician)
Additionally, there are images associated with these job postings and a link to apply at depot.emploi-public.ma.
The application deadlines mentioned are November 22 and November 29, 2024.
If you need specific information or assistance regarding this content, feel free to ask!It looks like you’ve shared a snippet of HTML content related to job postings in the field of sustainable development in Morocco. The content includes headings for different job positions, images, and a link to apply for these positions.
Here’s a summary of the key information:
Job Positions Available:
- (5) Administrateurs 2ème Grade
– Number of Positions: 5
- (3) Ingénieurs d’Etat 1er Grade
– Number of Positions: 3
- (1) Technicien 3ème Grade
– Number of Positions: 1
Application Link:
- To apply for these positions, you can visit depot.emploi-public.ma.
Important Dates:
- The application deadline is set for November 22 and November 29, 2024.
If you need further assistance or specific details about any part of this content, feel free to ask!It looks like you’ve shared a snippet of HTML content related to job postings in Morocco, specifically for positions in the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development. The content includes headings for different job grades, images associated with the positions, and a link to apply.
Here’s a summary of the key points from your content:
Job Positions Available:
- (5) Administrateurs 2ème Grade
- Images related to this position are included.
- (3) Ingénieurs d’Etat 1er Grade
- Images related to this position are included.
- (1) Technicien 3ème Grade
– Images related to this position are included.
Application Link:
- Interested candidates can apply through the following link: depot.emploi-public.ma
Additional Information:
- The post is part of an announcement regarding recruitment in sustainable development sectors within Morocco.
- The deadline for applications is mentioned as November 22 and November 29, 2024 (though it seems there might be some confusion about dates).
If you need further assistance or specific information extracted from this content, feel free to ask!It looks like you have provided a snippet of HTML content related to a job recruitment announcement for the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development in Morocco. The announcement includes details about available positions, application deadlines, and links for applying.
Here’s a summary of the key points from your content:
Job Recruitment Announcement
Organizing Body:
Ministère de la Transition Energétique et du Développement Durable (Department of Sustainable Development)
Available Positions:
- (5) Administrateurs 2ème Grade
- Images related to this position are included.
- (3) Ingénieurs d’Etat 1er Grade
– Images related to this position are included.
- (1) Technicien 3ème Grade
– Images related to this position are included.
Application Deadlines:
- Last date to apply: 22 and 29 November 2024
Exam Dates:
- The competition will take place on 8 and 22 December 2024.
Application Link
- To apply, visit: depot.emploi-public.ma
Additional Information
The announcement emphasizes that candidates should prepare their applications before the deadlines mentioned above.
If you need further assistance or specific information extracted from this content, feel free to ask!يبدو أن النص الذي قدمته يتعلق بمباراة توظيف في وزارة الانتقال الطاقي والتنمية المستدامة بالمملكة المغربية. إليك ملخص للمعلومات الرئيسية:
تفاصيل المباراة:
- الجهة المنظمة: وزارة الانتقال الطاقي والتنمية المستدامة.
- عدد المناصب المتاحة: 9 مناصب.
توزيع المناصب:
- تقني من الدرجة الثالثة: 1 منصب
- مهندسون دولة من الدرجة الأولى: 3 مناصب
- مستخدمون إداريون من الدرجة الثانية: 5 مناصب
مواعيد هامة:
- آخر أجل للتقديم:
- 22 و29 نونبر 2024
- تاريخ إجراء المباراة:
- 8 و22 دجنبر 2024
رابط التقديم:
يمكن للمهتمين التقديم عبر الرابط التالي: depot.emploi-public.ma
إذا كان لديك أي استفسارات أخرى أو تحتاج إلى مزيد من المعلومات، فلا تتردد في طرحها!