فرصة ذهبية: تعديل مباراة توظيف مهندس دولة وتقني من الدرجة الثالثة بمركب البستنة بأكادير – لا تفوتوا الفرصة قبل 27 دجنبر 2024!

It seems that you have provided a detailed announcement regarding a recruitment competition for positions at the Complexe Horticole d’Agadir in Morocco. The announcement includes information about the available positions, qualifications required, and application procedures.
Here’s a summary of the key points from your text:
Recruitment Announcement Summary
Positions Available:
- Ingénieur d’État 1er grade
– Specialization: Degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry or equivalent.
– Number of Positions: 1
- Post Number: 01
- Techniciens 3ème grade
– Specialization: Specialized Technicians in Biology or Biotechnology, Chemistry (or equivalent).
- Number of Positions: 2
– Post Number: Not specified.
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates must be Moroccan nationals.
- Age limit:
– Under 40 years for Technicians.
– Under 45 years for Engineers.
Educational Requirements:
- For Technicians: A diploma from an accredited vocational training institution or an equivalent qualification.
- For Engineers: A state engineer diploma or an equivalent qualification.
Application Process:
Candidates must submit their applications via email to complexe.horticole@gmail.com
by December 27, 2024, at noon. The application should include:
- A request specifying the position and personal details (name, phone number, email).
- Curriculum Vitae (CV).
- Authorization signed by the hierarchical supervisor with “favorable opinion” for public sector employees.
- Legalized copy of the diploma (and equivalence decision if applicable).
- Legalized copy of Baccalauréat certificate.
- Birth certificate extract.
- Legalized copy of National Identity Card.
- Anthropometric form.
Important Dates:
The recruitment competition will take place on December 30, 2024.
This summary captures all essential details regarding the job openings and application requirements as outlined in your text. If you need further assistance or specific formatting changes to this information, feel free to ask!It seems like you’ve pasted a block of HTML code that contains information about job openings, qualifications, and application procedures for positions in Morocco. Here’s a summary of the key points from the text:
Job Openings:
- Ingénieur d’État 1er grade
– Qualifications: Degree in Biology, Biochemistry, Chemistry or equivalent.
– Number of Positions: 01
- Techniciens 3ème grade
– Qualifications: Specialized technician in Biology or Biotechnology, Chemistry (or equivalent).
– Number of Positions: 02
Eligibility Criteria:
- Candidates must be Moroccan nationals.
- Age limit:
– Under 40 years for Technicians (3rd grade).
– Under 45 years for Engineers (1st grade).
Required Qualifications:
- For Technicians (3rd Grade): Technician diploma from an accredited vocational training institution or equivalent.
- For Engineers (1st Grade): State engineer diploma or equivalent.
Application Process:
Candidates must submit their applications via email to complexe.horticole@gmail.com
before December 27, 2024, at noon. The application should include:
- A participation request specifying the position and personal details.
- A Curriculum Vitae.
- A signed authorization from the hierarchical supervisor with “favorable opinion” for public sector candidates.
- Legalized copy of the diploma and equivalence decision if applicable.
- Legalized copy of Baccalauréat certificate.
- Birth certificate extract.
- Legalized copy of National Identity Card.
- Anthropometric form.
If you need further assistance with this content or have specific questions about it, feel free to ask!